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Posts on Saturday, April 25, 2020

Stacey Abrams, Vying For VP Slot, Cites
‘Successful’ Campaign History
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/25/2020 11:36:20 PM Post Reply
Over the last couple of weeks, Stacey Abrams, the failed gubernatorial candidate who has not held federal office, has taken the remarkably unprecedented step of openly and proudly campaigning to be former Vice President Joe Biden’s 2020 running mate. Although the former state lawmaker is reportedly considered a low-tier option — behind Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI), Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), and at least two other candidates according to The New York Post — this hasn’t fazed Abrams, who touted her campaigning prowess in a recent interview with The Atlantic Magazine. “If you look at what we were able to accomplish in Georgia,
Adam Schiff Has Transcripts From Key
Witnesses Of Russia Investigation But
Won’t Release Them, Report Says
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/25/2020 11:18:15 PM Post Reply
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) won’t release transcripts from key witnesses in the Russia investigation even though his committee voted unanimously in 2018 to release them. The Washington Examiner (my former employer) reported exclusively on Friday that Schiff is in possession of declassified transcripts but has yet to release them. The outlet reported that the declassification process, performed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, was supposed to take a few weeks or months. That was almost two years ago, however, and the transcripts have not been released. Many blame Schiff.
Texas Town Reopens Ahead Of State;
Neighboring Mayor: Stores Are ‘Panicking’
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/25/2020 9:54:57 PM Post Reply
While Texas is one of the more aggressive states in its reopening schedule, one town has made the decision to outpace even Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s ambitious timeline. Colleyville, Texas has become the first city in the state to reopen several “non-essential” businesses and organizations, including churches, gyms and salons. “Colleyville Mayor Richard Newton became the first in Texas to issue a proclamation allowing churches, retail stores, gyms, salons, massage parlors and restaurants to reopen Friday — with social distancing — ahead of an order by the Texas governor expected next week,” The Los Angeles Times reported Thursday.
'Liberals are destroying the #MeToo
progress': Bernie Bros are furious with
Democrats' silence on Tara Reade's sexual
assault allegations against Joe Biden
Posted by Ribicon 4/25/2020 9:45:01 PM Post Reply
Senator Bernie Sanders’ fiercest backers are furious at senior officials and supporters of the Democratic Party over their silence in the face of sexual assault allegations made against the presumptive nominee Joe Biden by a former Senate staffer. Biden, the former vice president, is being accused by Tara Reade of forcibly kissing her, groping her, and digitally penetrating her when she served as an aide to the then-senator from Delaware in 1993.(Snip) By Saturday afternoon, the hashtag #DropOutBiden was trending on Twitter. Many point out that the Democratic Party mobilized en masse to try and derail the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh
Trump goes into hiding replies
Posted by Rolltide 4/25/2020 9:41:13 PM Post Reply
It looks like President Trump is going into hiding -- from the press, that is. Facing an avalanche of controversy over his bizarre comments on sunlight and dangerous comments regarding disinfectants, the President held a record short briefing Friday evening (sans Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx), abruptly ending it after 22 minutes of statements without taking any questions from the press.
Canada: 1 million respirators acquired
from China unfit for coronavirus fight
Posted by NorthernDog 4/25/2020 9:38:28 PM Post Reply
OTTAWA — Canada's public health authority says around 1 million KN95 respirators acquired from China have failed to meet federal Covid-19 standards for use by front-line health professionals. As a result, the federal government did not dispense the noncomplying masks to equipment-hungry provinces and territories, said Eric Morrissette a spokesperson for the Public Health Agency of Canada. The failure of these respirators to meet Canadian requirements is yet another challenge for the country as it fights to secure PPE and medical supplies amid what has become a ferocious global competition. The KN95 is a Chinese model similar to the N95, which
Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Blasted
Over Major U.S. City Five Times A Day
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 8:54:07 PM Post Reply
A Minneapolis neighborhood, which lies in controversial Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar’s district, will begin broadcasting the Muslim call to prayer five times a day over outdoor loudspeakers throughout the month of Ramadan, reports say.The move is “believed to be the first publicly-broadcast call to prayer in a major US city,” al Jazeera English said in a post on Twitter. (Tweet) The simple, short call – known as the adhan – marked an historical moment for Minneapolis and major cities across the United States, community members said. While the adhan is commonly broadcast throughout the Middle East, North Africa and other places, for many Muslims in the US, it is only
Masks, Gloves, Temperature Check: Texas
Restaurant Opens Despite Order
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 8:48:44 PM Post Reply
On Friday evening, the 8731 Katy Freeway location of Federal American Grill in Houston, Texas, opened up its doors for in-dining room customers despite an ongoing order from state and local lawmakers to remain closed except for take-out. Owner Matt Brice told the Houston Chronicle that the restaurant has “complied 100 percent until now.” “What I don’t like is that the government is picking and choosing which businesses win or lose. They are sinking the economy,” Brice said. “We have to stand our ground and get people back to work.” Brice also told the Chronicle that precautions were being taken
#DropOutBiden Trends, Fueled by
Progressives and #MeToo Supporters
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 8:32:41 PM Post Reply
The hashtag #DropOutBiden trended on Twitter beginning early Saturday morning and throughout the day, fueled in part by progressives and #MeToo movement supporters calling on Joe Biden to drop out of the 2020 presidential race. Although supporters of Biden tried to blame the hashtag on Russian bots, there were several prominent progressives who were using the hashtag, such as Peter Daou, a former Hillary Clinton adviser.(Tweet) A number of those tweeting the hashtag seemingly included supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). As the day wore on, prominent conservative figures and pundits also began tweeting it.The hashtag coincided with the emergence of an alleged video clip of Biden accuser
Harold Reid, Statler Brothers
Singer, Dead at 80
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 6:04:30 PM Post Reply
Harold Reid, founding member and bass singer of the Statler Brothers, died on April 24. He was 80."He had bravely endured a long battle with kidney failure. He is and will always be loved by his family, friends and millions of fans," the band wrote in a statement released on their website. "His singing, his songwriting and his comedy made generations happy. He has taken a piece of our hearts with him."Reid, his brother Don Reid, Lew DeWitt, and Phil Basley formed the Statler Brothers in 1955 and were originally a gospel band. They switched to country and kicked off their career in the '60s
China filed a patent for US drug that has
helped some coronavirus patients recover
the day after it confirmed bug could
infect humans, adding to concerns
about global cover-up
Posted by Ribicon 4/25/2020 5:58:53 PM Post Reply
China filed a patent for a drug seen as one of the best potential weapons against coronavirus the day after it confirmed human transmission of the disease. The revelation that it moved so fast fuels concerns about a cover-up of the pandemic when it erupted in Wuhan last year, and suggests that China’s understanding of the virus was far advanced from the impression given by its public stance.(Snip) The application was made by Wuhan Institute of Virology, the top-secret bio-laboratory at the centre of concerns about a possible leak of the disease from its research on bats, and the country’s Military Medicine Institute.
Why the Kim Jong Un rumors deserve
Posted by earlybird 4/25/2020 5:51:19 PM Post Reply
Is North Korean leader Kim Jong Un dead? Is he in a critical condition? Here's why I believe the answer to both questions is no. First off, at least as of this writing, the U.S. intelligence community, the U.S. military, and their counterpart services in South Korea have no credible evidence of Kim's death or serious ill-health. That matters because the United States has a very robust and wide-ranging intelligence effort to monitor Kim's situation and those of his inner circle at all times. (Snip) What of the news reports suggesting otherwise, you ask? Well, those rumors online are being circulated by unreliable sources. And then being recirculated by more reliable sources.
Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong Un’s Kid Sister, is
‘Feared,’ ‘Respected’ Inside North Korea
Posted by poster 4/25/2020 4:58:59 PM Post Reply
As the world waits to see if North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is alive, dead, or somewhere in between at the age of 36, all eyes are turning to his little sister, 31-year-old Kim Yo Jong. She looks like the top contender to succeed him, but does she have what it takes to do that in a regime long characterized by extreme brutality? She might well. Kim Yo Jong’s rise within North Korea’s omnipotent Organization and Guidance Department makes her North Korea’s “No. 2” in the eyes of the Workers’ Party bureaucrats—and that makes her not only the most visible heir to Kim Jong Un’s throne but, already,
'Kim Jong-un dead' – multiple sources claim
North Korean dictator died Saturday night
Posted by zephyrgirl 4/25/2020 4:22:44 PM Post Reply
It was being reported as fact by media outlets in China and Japan that the 36-year-old dictator was dead. Other sources said he was on his death bed in a vegetative state with no hope for recuperation after botched heart surgery. Because of the nature of the ultra secret regime in North Korea claims of Kim Jong-un's death are very difficult to verify before an official state announcement. But a Hong Kong-backed news channel’s vice director, who claims to be the niece of a Chinese foreign minister, made the announcement.
Protest Caravan Takes Over Las Vegas Strip
Demanding Governor Sisolak Reopen
Nevada (Video)
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 3:38:14 PM Post Reply
A protest caravan took over the Las Vegas strip on Friday calling on Democrat Governor Sisolak to reopen Nevada.The protest dubbed ‘America’s First Interactive Drive-thru Caravan’ was organized by conservative radio host and friend of The Gateway Pundit, Wayne Allyn Root.Wayne Root said police told him they estimated 8,000 people attended the protest.The demonstrators drove down the strip demanding businesses reopen after only 200 Coronavirus deaths in the entire state of more than 3 million people.
‘The Data Is In — Stop The Panic And End
The Total Isolation’: Fmr. Stanford Chief Of
Neuroradiology Discusses Viral Column
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 3:31:11 PM Post Reply
Dr. Scott Atlas, the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, made a Friday night Fox News appearance to defend his viral column about why the ongoing coronavirus panic, and the ensuing government-enforced shutdowns, should end. Atlas’ column, titled “The Data Is In — Stop The Panic And End The Total Isolation” and published Wednesday at The Hill, lists “five key facts” that are “being ignored by those calling for continuing the near-total lockdown,” along with evidence to bolster each one.Those “facts” include:
Trump and Churchill replies
Posted by Harlowe 4/25/2020 1:18:37 PM Post Reply
I’m a firm subscriber to the “Great Man” theory of history, which posits that the course of history largely (but not entirely) has been determined, for better or worse, by the decisive impact of individuals of unique vision and indomitable will. What would the world look like had Alexander the Great, for example, never been born? Or Jesus Christ? Or George Washington? Or Adolph Hitler, for that matter? Fortunately for the world, Hitler’s impact was checked by the timely emergence of another towering figure who validates the Great Man theory: Winston Churchill. Now conservative author and speaker Nick Adams has written a book linking Churchill to President Donald Trump
Trump: Postal Service must
charge Amazon more, or no loan
Posted by Ribicon 4/25/2020 12:59:56 PM Post Reply
Washington—President Donald Trump said Friday that he won’t approve a $10 billion loan for the U.S. Postal Service unless the agency raises charges for Amazon and other big shippers to four to five times current rates. “The Postal Service is a joke because they’re handing out packages for Amazon and other internet companies and every time they bring a package, they lose money on it,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. The president was responding to a question about reports his administration plans to force major changes in postal operations as the price for approving a $10 billion loan that was included in the government’s $2 trillion economic rescue package.
The Lawyer Whose Clients Didn’t Exist replies
Posted by StormCnter 4/25/2020 12:34:08 PM Post Reply
In 2010, Dung Nguyen, a 39-year-old Vietnamese fisherman living in Dickinson, Texas, decided to take his boat out early in the season. Peak shrimping in Texas’s Galveston Bay wouldn’t begin until mid-August, but Nguyen was saving to send his three children to college, so in April, he began heading out for four or five days at a time. Nguyen was accustomed to long days; he had come to America as a refugee in 1992 and had saved for years to buy his first boat. That season, the waters were calm and the catch was good; when he wasn’t harvesting shrimp, Nguyen lay on his cot watching Vietnamese soap operas.
Cuomo's brush with stardom
will fade — and rightly so
Posted by StormCnter 4/25/2020 12:21:39 PM Post Reply
Governor Andrew Cuomo lost his cool at his press briefing recently when asked by a reporter why New York should not begin to lift its restraints on some businesses. “You want a job? Go to work at an essential business,” the governor answered snippily, scoffing at the notion that some people might like to go back to work. It was an unusual crack in Cuomo’s façade. Perhaps the governor can see the future, a future in which he no longer commands the attention of the nation, and in which his brief brush with national stardom fades. For sure, one of the most surprising outcroppings of the coronavirus has been Cuomo’s surging popularity.
The Disappearance of Agatha Christie replies
Posted by tisHimself 4/25/2020 12:19:37 PM Post Reply
Meca Sportswear in Tomah was entering its 50th year, and the business was "excited" and "moving forward," president Tom Bramwell said. Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit. "We had to let 40 people go — it was one of the saddest days of my life," Bramwell said. "I never had to do something like that before." After laying off half its workers, the company has found a way to bring some of them back. The business has transitioned to manufacture masks and gowns that are suddenly in great demand in the wake of COVID-19.
Should Neiman Marcus Exist? replies
Posted by StormCnter 4/25/2020 12:18:37 PM Post Reply
Known for his cinema verité explorations of American institutions, the documentary filmmaker Frederick Wiseman trained his camera on Dallas’s flagship Neiman Marcus location in 1982. To watch the resulting work, The Store, now is to travel back to a far less troubled age for the retailer that for more than a century has sold the trappings of a luxurious lifestyle to Texans of means. The staff in the film talk up the life-affirming virtues of sable coats and diamond bracelets costing more than $100,000 in today’s money. During one early scene, a manager in the women’s fashions department assembles her team before the store has opened for the day.
COVID-19 response: Meca Sportswear in Tomah shifts production
to masks and gowns
Posted by tisHimself 4/25/2020 12:16:47 PM Post Reply
Meca Sportswear in Tomah was entering its 50th year, and the business was "excited" and "moving forward," president Tom Bramwell said. Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit. "We had to let 40 people go — it was one of the saddest days of my life," Bramwell said. "I never had to do something like that before." After laying off half its workers, the company has found a way to bring some of them back. The business has transitioned to manufacture masks and gowns that are suddenly in great demand in the wake of COVID-19.
The Left Is Stoking Racial Tensions
for More Government Health Care
Posted by Garnet 4/25/2020 11:56:19 AM Post Reply
When Bernie Sanders suspended his campaign to be the first socialist in the White House, Americans, including Democrat “moderates,” were hoping talk of single-payer health care would be put on the back burner, at least until after the election. Guess again. The case for socialized medicine is being ramped up in a subtler way: COVID-19 is a disease of racism, the argument goes, and the only way to fix it is more government health care. It is hard to avoid media reports of how COVID-19 has impacted African Americans more than the rest of the population.
GOP Needs A Trump Victory In
November To Retain Senate Control
Posted by Garnet 4/25/2020 11:51:52 AM Post Reply
Since Republicans took control of the United States Senate following the 2014 elections, their hold has been tenuous. While they didn’t lose the Senate in 2016 as was widely predicted, they did slip to having just 51 senators in 2017. Response to Democratic mistreatment of Brett Kavanaugh and his confirmation battle helped Republicans pick up a few seats in 2018. They currently have 53 members in their caucus and face another tough election year. “The sense is that, no matter what else happens, we’ve got to hold the Senate majority.
Police Photos Show Crystal Meth in Hotel
Room Where Andrew Gillum Was Found
Posted by NorthernDog 4/25/2020 11:38:34 AM Post Reply
New photos from the Miami Beach Police Department confirm the presence of crystal meth in the hotel room where former Democratic candidate for Florida governor Andrew Gillum was found after a suspected overdose incident in March. Early in the morning on March 13, Miami Beach Fire Rescue were called to the hotel room by an associate of Gillum’s who found the former Tallahassee mayor and another man in the room in an intoxicated condition. The man told police that he suspected Gillum and the other man to be under the influence of an unknown substance. “Gillum was unable to communicate
‘It is impossible to overstate the pain’:
Fight against coronavirus will define our
era, Bill Gates says
Posted by Ron_lfp 4/25/2020 11:37:17 AM Post Reply
The novel coronavirus pandemic will define the modern era in the same way World War II shaped an earlier generation, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates says in a 11-page memo outlining his ideas on how best to tackle the disease. “This is like a world war, except in this case, we’re all on the same side,” he writes. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed $250 million to the battle and Gates has been speaking up regularly to influence its direction — something that has sometimes placed him at odds with President Donald Trump and made him a target of right-wing pundits and conspiracy theorists. Gates’ memo barely mentions politics,
New clip emerges of Joe Biden sexual
assault accuser Tara Reade's mother
phoning Larry King 27 years ago to
ask if her daughter should go to the
press about a 'prominent senator'
Posted by Ribicon 4/25/2020 11:31:42 AM Post Reply
A 1993 clip has emerged of the mother of Vice President Joe Biden's sexual assault accuser speaking to CNN's Larry King about her daughter's alleged assault. The video appears to back former Biden staffer Tara Reade's claims that she told her mother about the harassment related to her boss 27 years ago. Reade filed an official criminal complaint against the now presumptive Democratic presidential frontrunner on April 9, accusing Biden of shoving his hand under her skirt and penetrating her with his fingers while they stood in a senate corridor, an accusation he denied. The latest evidence to emerge shows Reade's mother Jeanette Altimus calling
New York refused to send nursing home’s COVID-19
patients to nearly empty USNS Comfort
Posted by happywarrior 4/25/2020 11:15:45 AM Post Reply
New York health officials were warned in writing that a Brooklyn nursing home where 55 patients have died of coronavirus was overwhelmed — weeks before it began topping the state’s official list of resident COVID-19 deaths, damning emails show. Cobble Hill Health Center CEO Donny Tuchman sent a desperate email to state Health Department officials on April 9, asking if there was “a way for us to send our suspected covid patients” to the hospital built inside the Javits Convention Center or the US Naval hospital ship Comfort — the under-utilized federal medical facilities on Manhattan’s West Side.
Biden marks anniversary of campaign launch
with virtual ‘Soul of the Nation' organizing push
Posted by NorthernDog 4/25/2020 11:08:14 AM Post Reply
Former Vice President Joe Biden will hold a virtual event Saturday night marking the one year anniversary of the presumptive Democratic nominee's entrance into the 2020 race. “Saturday marks a tremendous milestone for our campaign. One year since we launched this journey with a simple idea: we're in the battle for the soul of the nation,” Biden said in a video alongside his wife posted on Twitter Thursday, previewing Saturday’s message. According to a release of the event obtained first by ABC News, Biden’s event will include messages from some of the campaign’s surrogates focused on the “soul of the
Pennsylvania Forced To Remove Hundreds
Of Deaths From Coronavirus Death Count
After Coroners Raise Red Flags
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 10:40:14 AM Post Reply
Pennsylvania has had to remove hundreds of coronavirus deaths from its official death count this week, following questions of accuracy and highlighted discrepancies by area coroners.The PA health department decided to include “probable” coronavirus deaths, or an assumed COVID-19-related death without testing for the virus, to their death tolls, dating back days and even weeks ago. But the death toll spike raised questions from coroners who came forward to highlight a discrepancy in death totals, which were not adding up to the number of all-cause deaths.
Disgusting: Democrats threaten to expel
Democratic lawmaker for surviving COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine and thanking Trump
Posted by PageTurner 4/25/2020 10:32:33 AM Post Reply
What kind of a creature "censures" a black woman who just barely survived the coronavirus and then went on to thank President Trump for suggesting hydroxychloroquine, the drug that turned the tide for her? Only a Democrat. And in Gretchen Whitmer's Michigan, these beasts have proliferated. Rather than offer thanks to heaven for their fellow Detroit legislator's survival, along with lots of proverbial pats on the back and expressions of support for her recovery, which is what decent people do,
Protesters Descend On Wisconsin Capitol To
Send A Message: We’re Done Staying Home
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 10:25:36 AM Post Reply
MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin stay-at-home orders were supposed to expire Friday. Instead, thousands of disgruntled Wisconsinites descended upon the capitol in protest after the Evers administration extended the Dairy State’s so-called Safer at Home order another month. (TweetVideo) Endless blaring honks turned to white noise as vehicles backed up East Washington Avenue before circling the capitol, with many waving signs and flags out of windows and sun roofs. One man drove a Yukon decked out with Trump 2020 gear, pulling a trailer he had transformed into a “Trump Unity Bridge” and leading passersby in a chorus of “M-A-G-A” to the YMCA song.
Pennsylvania removes 200 from coronavirus
death toll amid questions over reporting process
Posted by NorthernDog 4/25/2020 10:13:58 AM Post Reply
Officials in Pennsylvania are amending the number of coronavirus deaths in the state by hundreds in the face of questions about how the total number was calculated. Pennsylvania began including “probable” coronavirus deaths into its overall fatality count earlier this week and, as a result, the number grew by 276 in one day and 360 the next, which was double the number of deaths in the state in two days, according to Fox News. The Pennsylvania Department of Health then removed 200 deaths from the total after questions arose about the overall accuracy, “We realize that this category can be
Despite critics' outcry, border wall
construction goes on
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 9:59:27 AM Post Reply
PHOENIX— The federal government is proceeding with plans for a border wall even as communities where construction is ongoing protest the presence of workers, according to court documents.In the Yuma, Arizona, area, the government modified a contract on March 24 to add 1.5 miles (2.4 kilometers) of a 30-foot (9 meter) border wall with angled tops and an anti-climb plate to the cost of $55.8 million. That's according to documents the Sierra Club obtained this week in one of two lawsuits challenging the use of defense department funds to build the wall.The federal government is looking to award another $50 million contract next month to
Reporters Stand Ground After White House
Tried to Move CNN to Back Row in Briefing
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 9:51:50 AM Post Reply
Shortly before the start of Friday’s coronavirus task force briefing, the White House tried to move a CNN reporter from their assigned seat in the front row to the rear of the Brady Briefing Room, prompting a revolt by reporters who made the administration back down.(Photo) CNN’s Kaitlan Collins was told to swap seats with print pooler Chris Johnson with the Washington Blade. The White House Correspondents’ Association assigns seats and access to reporters. Over the years, the Trump administration has tried to assert control over who attends the briefings with mixed results. Most recently, the administration intervened to bring OANN reporter
Harvard to Host Pro-Homeschoolers
in Response to 'Disinformation Campaign
Against Homeschooling'
Posted by Judy W. 4/25/2020 9:49:52 AM Post Reply
Harvard stirred controversy earlier this month when they announced a June invitation-only summit to discuss increased regulations and a presumptive ban on homeschooling. The event, dubbed, "Homeschooling Summit: Problems, Politics, and Prospects for Reform," is set to feature a who's-who of academics, lawyers, and activists who have been outspoken in their belief that parents should not legally be allowed to educate their children at home. (Snip) Amid outcry from homeschooling advocates and allies, Harvard announced on Friday that they would be hosting a virtual discussion that would effectively counter the suggestions being put forward by the original summit.
Coronavirus closers, a Jonestown redux replies
Posted by Big Bopper 4/25/2020 9:19:51 AM Post Reply
Jim Jones was a socialist cult leader in the 70’s. Harkening back to Karl Marx, he preached that “those who remain drugged with the opiate of religion have to be brought to enlightenment – socialism.” He hobnobbed with politicians like Walter Mondale, Rosalyn Carter and Jerry Brown. To pursue socialism, he set up a commune in the jungle of a South American banana republic. He was in charge, naturally, and named it “Jonestown.” Assisted by endorsements from his politician friends, he persuaded some 900 American followers to emigrate to there. He imported not just his followers to Jonestown, but also drugs.
Imaginary Georgia Governor Stacy Abrams
Dreams Of Being Vice President
Posted by GreatGreyhounds 4/25/2020 8:27:47 AM Post Reply
Stacey Abrams is taking a break from running Georgia to campaign to be former Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate. Pretty soon, she’ll be calling the veepstakes rigged, dragging the Democratic National Committee as racist, and claiming to be the nominee anyway. It’s become her signature formula since failing to capture the Georgia governor’s mansion in 2018.
'The Pretense of Knowledge'
has Cost America Dearly
Posted by Magnante 4/25/2020 8:00:53 AM Post Reply
Recently, Brit Hume, the sober and understated Fox News commentator, voiced the thoughts of millions when he said, “I think its time to consider the possibility… that this lockdown, as opposed to the more moderate mitigation efforts… is a colossal public policy calamity.” (snip) The loss of liberty incurred as a result of shutdown is not as easily quantifiable, but is no less significant. Epidemiological “models” have provided the scientific basis for this large-scale abrogation of personal and economic liberty. Now that the models have been shown to be grossly inaccurate, some are demanding accountability.
Emotional Brzezinski Pleads for Fox ‘Puppets’
to Rediscover Their ‘Goodness,’ ‘Objectivity’
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 8:00:04 AM Post Reply
Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski went on an unhinged, emotional rant about Fox News on Friday, decrying the network as full of “puppets” who need to rediscover the “goodness” and “objectivity” inside them. Yes, someone on MSNBC said this. Apparently angry because Sean Hannity mocked her husband, Joe Scarborough, on Thursday night, Brzezinski fumed, “We often try and sort of stay away from our colleagues in the business, but Fox News has several puppets for this President constantly going on the air, constantly repeating what he says verbatim.” Claiming that she doesn’t really want to trash her competitor over at Fox, Brzezinski lobbied for a return to peace and goodness:
Media Demonstrates Double Standard
on Gov. Kemp's and Gov. Polis's
Similar Reopening Plans
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 7:41:19 AM Post Reply
Democrats and members of the mainstream media spent much of the week unloading on Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R-GA) after he announced that certain businesses in Georgia would be allowed to resume operations starting on Friday. (Tweets) Gov. Kemp’s decision triggered a wave of backlash as many claimed that his decision was irresponsible. Media outlets also took advantage of President Trump’s amicable disagreement with Gov. Kemp’s move, in an attempt to undermine Kemp’s jurisdiction to reopen his state under the 10th amendment.
World Health Organization’s History
of Promoting Radical Sex Ed
Posted by Judy W. 4/25/2020 7:32:36 AM Post Reply
When President Donald Trump pushed the pause button on funding the World Health Organization this past week, most people’s only experience with the group was as a harmless arm of the United Nations. But the “watchdog” of the global health is a lot more than the world’s disease and infection police. It’s also, as more Americans are starting to learn, one of the biggest promoters of abortion and peddlers of radical sex ed. (Snip) Slater also explains that “the WHO’s CSE standards for European children, which are even worse, start by teaching toddlers about masturbation. They also refer 9-year-olds to [the International Planned Parenthood Federation] to learn about their ‘sexual rights,’
America Held Hostage replies
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 7:31:02 AM Post Reply
What are we doing, America? We've destroyed a booming economy, turned a record number of jobs into record unemployment numbers, and given up our basic tenets of liberty — all so we won't get sick? We're allowing governors to restrict people's movement; prevent citizens from assembling; and order mandatory masks, testing, and vaccines. These governors now claim the right to track our every move, to surveil every American in order to ensure compliancThis shutdown is not just a slippery slope to socialism and communism; it's a downhill slalom. How did we get here? Americans aren't cowards who would eagerly surrender liberty for immunity.
Crochet quest to help Cape Breton Regional Hospital
staff save their ears
Posted by John C 4/25/2020 7:02:13 AM Post Reply
SYDNEY, N.S. — Crocheted bands with buttons are helping staff at the Cape Breton Regional Hospital save their ears from breakdown which results from wearing face masks all day. The crafted items have been donated to hospital workers by Janet Dawson, owner of the Bobbin Tree in Sydney. Not only does she make the bands, she has recruited others to help with the initiative. To date, some 140 ear-saver bands have been given to regional hospital staff.
New Jersey driver crashes car after passing
out from wearing N95 mask
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/25/2020 6:15:54 AM Post Reply
A New Jersey driver crashed head-on into a pole — after passing out from wearing an N95 mask for hours, police said Friday. Lincoln Park police believe that the driver, who was not named, lost consciousness while behind the wheel Thursday from lack of oxygen and breathing in excessive carbon dioxide thanks to the mask, the department wrote on Facebook. “The LPPD responded to a lone occupant single car motor vehicle crash yesterday. The crash is believed to have resulted from the driver wearing an N95 mask for several hours and subsequently passing out behind the wheel due to insufficient oxygen intake/excessive carbon dioxide intake,” the cops wrote.
The empress of ice cream replies
Posted by MissMolly 4/25/2020 5:24:16 AM Post Reply
Is this picture of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi standing in front of a huge, high-priced freezer, filled to the gills with a fortune in ice cream, an iconic Michael Dukakis moment? Will it follow in the footsteps of the 1988 Democratic nominee's tank photographic disaster, which defined its subject as too dim for words? This isn’t just any old fridge or ice cream, but the creme-de-la-creme. The appliances, two large stainless-steel freezers, are filled to the brim with an extreme prestige brand name called Jeni’s, which is marketed largely over the internet and sells for a minimum of $12 a pint.
The Untold Story of the Bay of Pigs
Freedom Fight—59 Years Ago This Week
Posted by Pluperfect 4/25/2020 5:18:12 AM Post Reply
“It’s a great honor and I’m humbled for this endorsement from these freedom fighters (Bay of Pigs Veterans Association)…You were fighting for the values of freedom and liberty that unite us all. (Candidate Donald Trump, receiving endorsement of Bay of Pigs veterans at the Bay of Pigs Museum in Miami, Florida, Oct. 25, 2016.) 'Shameless ELECTION YEAR PANDERING!' snort liberals. Well: “I really admire toughness and courage, and I will tell you that the people of this brigade [Brigada 2506] really have that…you were let down by our country.” (Donald Trump, addressing Bay of Pigs Veterans at the Bay of Pigs Museum in Miami, Florida, November 1999.
More than 88 million emergency payments
totaling $158 billion are out the door: IRS
Posted by Pluperfect 4/25/2020 5:13:23 AM Post Reply
The Internal Revenue Service on Friday said the federal government has issued more than 88 million emergency direct payments to individuals that collectively totaled about $158 billion over a three-week period ending April 17. “The IRS, Treasury and partner agencies are working non-stop to get these payments out in record time to Americans who need them,” said IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig. A total of more than 150 million payments, which were a central feature of a recent $2.2 trillion economic rescue package, are expected to be sent out.
One country, one system:
The week that China shredded
its promise on Hong Kong
Posted by Pluperfect 4/25/2020 5:09:15 AM Post Reply
HONG KONG — Martin Lee has tangled with the Chinese Communist Party countless times in his decades-long fight to achieve free elections in Hong Kong and enlist Western support for the city's democratic ambitions. Last weekend, the police came knocking. Seven officers appeared at Lee’s home and arrested the 81-year-old for participating in an unauthorized protest last year that 1.7 million people attended. More than a dozen other democracy activists were detained the same day. The arrests buttressed a week of coordinated actions by Beijing that experts say have redefined the status of Hong Kong.
New Court Filing Says Head Prosecutor
Made ‘Secret’ Deal with Flynn’s Former
Lawyers to Get Guilty Plea
Posted by Pluperfect 4/25/2020 4:59:47 AM Post Reply
Lawyers for General Michael Flynn said in a new supplemental filing that previously undisclosed evidence “proves” the former national security adviser for President Trump was “deliberately set up and framed by corrupt agents at the top of the FBI.” “The government has deliberately suppressed this evidence from the inception of this prosecution—knowing there was no crime by Mr. Flynn,” the filing reads. It claims that the head prosecutor on the case, Brandon Van Grack, made a “side deal” with Flynn’s former defense team to not prosecute Flynn’s son — despite threatening to Flynn that he would do so — in order to get Flynn to plead guilty. Heavily-redacted emails
Frozen French Fries a
Casualty of the Coronavirus
Posted by MissMolly 4/25/2020 4:53:41 AM Post Reply
If you've tried to buy frozen french fries at the supermarket -- any brand, any flavor -- you were probably confronted with empty shelves in the store freezer. Why that's so is a tale of supply and demand, and how the U.S. food supply chain is so vulnerable to disruptions. It's especially perplexing because potato farmers are plowing under thousands of tons of potatoes because they can't sell them and buyers have no place to put them. The problem is that schools, restaurants, and large companies who make up the bulk of frozen french fry orders in the country are closed
The Economy Will Reopen
Sooner Than You Think
Posted by MissMolly 4/25/2020 4:49:46 AM Post Reply
There will likely be a reopening of our economy on the very near horizon. And this reopening will be much sooner rather than later, with full acceleration within just a few months, perhaps even weeks. Here’s why. Problematic coronavirus testing issues may fast disappear as critical preconditions to reopening the economy. Testing issues won’t go away; they are simply likely to be left largely unresolved. In addition, new reports suggest that infections may be much, much more widespread than most had thought, which, in turn, means that there is a strong likelihood that we have much, much lower death rates from the coronavirus in all age groups.
The fix is obviously in on Cuomo’s
‘investigation’ of nursing-home horrors
Posted by MissMolly 4/25/2020 4:46:08 AM Post Reply
News that Team Cuomo ignored warnings about the nursing-home disaster only confirms that the gov’s call for an investigation is pure deflection. He’s trying to make care facility owners the fall guys for the state’s choices. The Post reports that a Brooklyn nursing home that’s seen New York’s greatest number of COVID-related deaths (55, on the latest list) wrote the state Health Department on April 8 to plead for help. Cobble Hill Health Center CEO Donny Tuchman e-mailed four officials to report that his facility had “over 50 symptomatic patients scattered through the building and almost no gowns” and warned, “
Leak of sealed evidence in the
Michael Flynn case points to
a high-ranking deep state operative as
a key to the Russia hoax conspiracy
at DOJ and FBI
Posted by Magnante 4/25/2020 4:40:25 AM Post Reply
General Michael Flynn was the first victim of the conspiracy of senior officials at the CIA, DOJ and FBI to unseat President Trump, and a leak about court-sealed new evidence in the legal case against him, under review by a US Attorney, upon close analysis points to a new key member, a point man of the conspiracy, a name until now only familiar to students of the Russia Hoax. A new visage is going to join Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and Rosenstein on the front page of the cabal’s rogues’ gallery: Dana Boente.
Top Dem Operative David Brock Accused
of Illegally Profiting From His
Political Empire by Conservative Group
Posted by MissMolly 4/25/2020 4:40:19 AM Post Reply
A conservative group has filed complaints with the IRS accusing leading liberal activist David Brock of illegally profiting from the vast network of groups he has built within the Democratic Party’s infrastructure. The complaints, which were filed by the Patriots Foundation, a right-leaning nonprofit, and reviewed by The Daily Beast, detail a series of transactions that, the group says, show the injection of money from a tax-exempt group Brock founded into a private, for-profit news business that he owns. “These complaints we filed provide damning indictment of serious allegations
Black Leaders Want a Black Woman
as Biden’s Running Mate. But Who?
Posted by MissMolly 4/25/2020 4:33:54 AM Post Reply
Four years ago, Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey made his vice-presidential pitch to Hillary Clinton at her Washington home, months before she faced Donald J. Trump in the November election. Mr. Booker, the only African-American to make Mrs. Clinton’s shortlist, argued that the presence of a black running mate would motivate black voters, helping Mrs. Clinton recreate the coalition that backed former President Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. But Mrs. Clinton had won the Democratic nomination with substantial black support, and some of her advisers argued that many black voters would already be energized by Mr. Trump’s divisive candidacy and appeals to white conservatives,
Murders in NYC surge for second week
in a row as coronavirus lockdown continues
Posted by MissMolly 4/25/2020 4:24:32 AM Post Reply
Despite coronavirus lockdown measures, murders in New York City have doubled over last years's numbers for the second consecutive week. This week last year, the city saw five murders to this year's 10 murders, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) reported. The NYPD regularly publishes statistics through its CompStat portal, comparing current stats with the equivalent period in the previous year. While some crimes -- including felony assault and rape -- have declined, murder has increased, as did burglary and grand larceny auto, according to the department.
Chicago Tribune blasts Illinois
Senate's 'rotten' request for $41.6B
federal bailout as 'shameless'
Posted by MissMolly 4/25/2020 4:21:30 AM Post Reply
The editorial board of the Chicago Tribune has repeatedly slammed the Illinois Senate's request for a whopping $41.6 billion federal bailout as the state's financial troubles continue to grow amid the coronavirus outbreak. "Let’s stipulate that Don Harmon, rookie president of the Illinois Senate, laid a rotten egg with his recent letter asking members of Congress to give Illinois a $40.6 billion bequest. Assorted politicians and pundits have scorned Harmon’s inclusion of a $10 billion pension bailout, as if a sudden pandemic created a pension crisis that, in fact, Harmon and his fellow Springfield lawmakers spent decades creating," the editorial board began a piece on Friday.
Left’s scornful response amid COVID-19
lockdowns will help re-elect Trump
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/25/2020 3:19:09 AM Post Reply
You’d think the left would have learned from its boneheaded mistakes after the astounding presidential victory of Donald Trump in 2016. And boy, would you be wrong. From Kentucky to Oregon, protests have been staged in recent days by angry Americans sick to distraction of corona lockdown. Wielding placards and scowls, some of them riding safely in cars — and a tiny few brandishing firearms — they’ve converged on state capitals and public spaces from Michigan to Montana and New Hampshire to Pennsylvania, anxious to achieve one common goal: getting back to work. The reaction from the elite, mainly white, leftist media has been stunning, depressing. And familiar.
Sorry, Facebook: Announcing a protest isn’t
‘harmful misinformation’
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/25/2020 2:59:21 AM Post Reply
A scattering of protests aimed at coronavirus lockdowns erupted across the country, sparked not by social-distancing guidelines but by politicians’ unilaterally dictating what products citizens are permitted to purchase in box stores, attempting to shut down drive-in Masses at churches and closing parks and beaches, among other ill-conceived and gratuitous intrusions. So naturally, Facebook decided to censor organizers’ posts. Like any protest movement, this one is a mixed bag: Some of the protesters are acting in bad faith, some are idealists and some are merely terrified of losing their livelihoods, their homes and their careers while waiting around for a government check that might never come.
ExxonMobil producing hand sanitizer to donate
to health workers and first responders
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/25/2020 2:17:37 AM Post Reply
ExxonMobile has devised a single solution for the double whammy of historic low oil prices and a coronavirus pandemic: converting one of its plants to make medical-grade hand sanitizer for health care providers and first responders. The oil and gas giant has reconfigured a facility in Louisianna to produce the product, which it plans to donate for free to medical workers within the state and in New York, Texas, New Jersey, New Mexico and Pennsylvania, ExxonMobil announced Friday. “We’re focused on keeping our people and communities safe while supporting frontline responders and meeting customer needs,” said Darren Woods, chairman and chief executive officer of Exxon Mobil Corporation, in a statement.
Trump’s border wall cam debuts as president
continues to fulfill top 2016 campaign pledge
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 1:57:59 AM Post Reply
Without question, the most controversial issue of the 2016 campaign was then-candidate Donald Trump’s pledge to “build a big, beautiful wall” along the entire U.S.-Mexico border.Indeed, the totality of Trump’s immigration policies — a border wall, stricter internal enforcement, deportations, ending sanctuary cities — was attacked mercilessly by the Hillary Clinton campaign and her lamestream media lapdogs.And yet, political analysts believe that’s how billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump became President Donald Trump: His “American First” immigration policies resonated with an electoral majority of voters. Since he was inaugurated, however, Trump has experienced a number of setbacks in effectuating his immigration policies as Left-wing groups
Whitmer Sent Unpleasant Text Messages
To Dem Lawmaker Who Thanked Trump for
Her Coronavirus Recovery
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/25/2020 1:48:48 AM Post Reply
On Fox News Friday night, Michigan State Representative Karen Whitsett told Tucker Carlson that text messages she's been receiving from Governor Whitmer have not been pleasant ever since the Democratic state lawmaker credited President Trump for her personal recovery from the Wuhan coronavirus. The lawmaker now faces a censure from her Democratic colleagues for crediting the president for her recovery. Tucker Carlson asked Whitsett if the governor ever called the representative to simply say, "I'm so glad you didn't die?" "Actually, it was not as pleasant as that," Rep. Whitsett began, "and the text messages that we have had since then have not been as pleasant as well."
A study of 108 US cities finds poor
neighborhoods can be as much as 12.6
degrees Fahrenheit hotter than richer one
due to lack of trees and green spaces
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 1:00:14 AM Post Reply
A new study of average temperatures in 108 US cities shows that neighborhoods with a history of redlining are on average 4.7 degrees hotter than other parts of the city.A joint project from Virginia Commonwealth University and Portland State University, the study combined satellite data showing ground temperatures for different cities along with historic maps that showed which neighborhoods had a history of being redlined.Formerly redlined neighborhoods were not just consistently hotter, but in some cases the temperature difference reached into the double digits.
General Mike Flynn Breaks His Silence
After Government Releases Brady
Documents Showing He Committed No Crimes
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 12:42:23 AM Post Reply
General Mike Flynn Friday night broke his silence after the government finally released Brady documents showing he committed no crimes.Attorney Sidney Powell has been fighting to get her hands on the Brady Material since she took over the case.The documents are filed under seal, but attorney Sidney Powell said it reveals Flynn did not commit any crimes.Powell also said that the documents produced found further misconduct by Mueller’s thug prosecutor Brandon Van Grack specifically.
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: Trump Is a ‘Chicken’
for Not Taking Questions at Briefing
Posted by Imright 4/25/2020 12:39:19 AM Post Reply
Friday on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” anchor Wolf Blitzer called President Donald Trump a “chicken” for leaving the White House coronavirus task force briefing without taking questions from the press.Blitzer said, “Daniel Dale, you’re a fact-checker, and normally we come to you after a briefing like this. This was a 22-minute briefing. Most of the briefing that Dr. Hahn and the vice president were speaking, only a few minutes the President. This is the shortest briefing that there has been so far. You don’t have to be one of the best fact-checker in the world as you are to know what the President said earlier in the day,
New UW Medicine clinical trial to
treat COVID-19 outpatients with hydroxychlorquine
Posted by Maggie2u 4/25/2020 12:18:22 AM Post Reply
A new clinical treatment trial launched Friday and UW Medicine researchers are looking for COVID-19 patients to test the effectiveness of anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine. UW researchers want to enroll 630 people who currently have the COVID-19 virus. Researchers say this particular study looks at COVID-19 patients who do not need to go to the hospital yet. Researchers are testing two combinations. One is hydroxychloroquine. The other is hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin. Researchers are also using a placebo. “We are trying to treat the symptoms of COVID-19 and to prevent the complications of needing to go into the hospital.
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