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Posts on Sunday, April 5, 2020

Hack Reporter Asks President Trump About
Shutting Down Grocery Stores to Stop
Spread of Coronavirus - So We All Can
Starve (Video)
Posted by Imright 4/5/2020 11:51:18 PM Post Reply
The fraudstream media is the enemy of the American people.President Trump on Sunday held another Coronavirus press conference. A hack reporter actually asked President Trump about shutting down grocery stores and fast food joints. “So why even have a few businesses open? Why don’t they shut everything down? Groceries stores are open, fast food places — why even take a little chance? Just shut all of it down temporarily,” the reporter said.
Thousands of NY COVID patients are
being treated with anti-malarial drug
Posted by Imright 4/5/2020 11:45:47 PM Post Reply
As many as 4,000 seriously ill coronavirus patients in New York are being treated with the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine, state health officials say.President Trump has touted hydroxychloroquine as a potential life-saver, although there is no widespread scientific evidence to date showing it helps battle COVID-19.But Gov. Andrew Cuomo last month said healthcare providers in the state would be using the drug in combination with the antibiotic Zithromax, or azithromycin, for some last-ditch cases, based on potentially promising research.“Time is of the essence,’’
'All Americans are praying for him': Donald
Trump leads global well wishes for 'good
friend and strong man' Boris Johnson as
he spends night in hospital 10 days after
coronavirus diagnosis - as Dominic Raab
prepares to chair COVID taskforce today
Posted by Imright 4/5/2020 11:40:24 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump has wished Boris Johnson well in his 'personal fight' with coronavirus as the Prime Minister spent the night in hospital after struggling to shake off symptoms. Downing Street stressed that the Prime Minister was admitted to undergo tests merely as a precaution, on the advice of his doctor. His overnight stay at a London NHS hospital, believed to be St Thomas' in Westminster, comes 10 days after he first tested positive for the infection and began self-isolating in his Number 11 flat. In a Twitter video on Friday, an exhausted-looking Mr Johnson revealed he was still suffering from a high temperature.
President Trump's Greatest Challenge:
Humanely Move Country from Mortality
Mindset to Economic Thinking
Posted by Imright 4/5/2020 11:02:12 PM Post Reply
How will the President get out of this one? The same way he got out of the other scandalous events to upend his presidency – he will be patient and outsmart everyone in the room. President Trump is again in a position that no one would envy. Many thought he was done with the sham Mueller investigation. Due to his patience and not falling into an ‘obstruction trap‘, the President outsmarted and out lasted the Mueller gang. Now the pendulum has swung and it is believed that the instigators of the Trump-Russia lie are being investigated by US Attorney John Durham.
"This is WRONG!" - Licensed Physician in Utah
Unable to Prescribe Hydroxychloroquine Because
'State Has Taken Over Distribution of Drug'
Posted by mean Gene 4/5/2020 10:09:30 PM Post Reply
A licensed physician in Utah said on Sunday that he is unable to prescribe hydroxychloroquine because the state has taken over distribution of the drug. Dr. Bill MD, is “trained extensively in diagnosis and treatment of human disease.” (snip) Dr. Bill opened his private practice at 26, hired 4 medical doctors, a PA, and 12 nurses growing to one of the largest private family Practices in Utah. Dr. Bill also built the 6 medical office buildings in a 10-year span housing his practice in 3 of those buildings.
Biden keeps suggesting things President
Trump has already done. Try to keep up, Joe!
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/5/2020 9:59:08 PM Post Reply
Speaking Sunday morning on ABC News, a barely coherent Joe Biden, the former vice president turned-Democrat presidential front-runner, offered President Donald Trump some odd advice on handling the global coronavirus pandemic. “I would just tell them what we found is important to do when we went through, not as bad, but a similar crisis, and that is to — you have to move swiftly,” he said. “And we have to move more rapidly. You have to implement the Defense Production Act, empower a supply commander, create a Defense Production Act for banks that get out small business loans, ramp up testing, a whole range of things.”
NJ's 40-year-old system increases delays for
unemployment checks amid coronavirus crisis
Posted by NorthernDog 4/5/2020 9:22:30 PM Post Reply
New Jersey officials vowed Saturday to speed up the processing of unemployment claims despite relying on a 40-year-old computer system that has been overwhelmed by the record number of requests due to the coronavirus crisis. Labor Commissioner Robert Asaro-Angelo said a plan to increase phone lines, train additional staff to handle claims and provide laptops to workers at home will help ease the crushing amount of claims being sought amid the economic meltdown brought upon by the virus. "There is nothing I want more than to put your hard-earned benefits into your family budget sooner," he said at Gov. Phil
Bet Your Life -- Vote for Democrats replies
Posted by Harlowe 4/5/2020 8:28:21 PM Post Reply
I’m trying to restrain my anger and speak measuredly, but it’s damn hard to do so. (Nancy Pelosi’s latest trial balloon--an investigation into the President’s handling of the Wuhan virus, was so preposterous it drove me into something I never do--binge watching old TV serials, in this case “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.”) The Wuhan virus spread throughout the world due to the Chinese government’s lies, and the acts of the head of the WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreysesus who came to that position from the violent Ethiopian Communist party and covered up for China as did the mainstream U.S. media.
Joe Biden is stuck in his basement.
It just might help him win
Posted by NorthernDog 4/5/2020 8:18:16 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — If we weren’t in the middle of a pandemic, Joe Biden almost certainly would be winning Democratic primaries and locking up the nomination about now — coasting from one victory speech to another, basking in the cheers of his supporters and wall-to-wall media coverage. Instead, the former vice president is marooned at his home in Wilmington, Del., doing a glitch-filled virtual town hall on Facebook Live and little-noticed cable news interviews in between phoning donors and volunteers to keep his presidential campaign afloat. For a week or so, Biden’s struggle to stay visible caused a ripple of panic
Joe Biden says Democratic National
Convention might be ‘virtual’ event
Posted by Imright 4/5/2020 8:12:20 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden said Sunday the already rescheduled Democratic National Convention may have to be a “virtual” event because of social distancing guidelines amid the coronavirus pandemic.“Well, we’re going to have to do a convention, may have to do a virtual convention,” the former vice president and 2020 Democratic presidential frontrunner said on ABC News’ “This Week.”“I think we should be thinking about that right now. The idea of holding a convention is going to be necessary, but we may not be able to put 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 people in one place and that’s very possible.”The Democratic National Committee announced
UK PM Boris Johnson Admitted to
Hospital Over Coronavirus Infection
Posted by Imright 4/5/2020 8:07:30 PM Post Reply
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been admitted to hospital for tests over his infection with coronavirus, ten days after he was first diagnosed.The official office and residence of the UK Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street, announced the hospitalisation late Sunday, an hour after the British head of state Queen Elizabeth II addressed the nation from Windsor Castle. A statement from Downing Street said the admission to hospital of the Prime Minister was as “precautionary step” for further tests after he tested positive for the virus on March 27th. Mr Johnson made an address to the nation through social media earlier in the week,
Michigan surpasses 15,000
coronavirus cases, 600 deaths
Posted by NorthernDog 4/5/2020 7:08:34 PM Post Reply
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Michigan climbed above 15,000, with a total of 617 deaths. An additional 77 deaths from COVID-19 were reported Sunday along with 1,493 new cases. The state now has 15,718 confirmed cases. Michigan has the third-highest number of cases and deaths in the nation, behind New York and New Jersey, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. (Snip) The average age of death for coronavirus patients is 71.4, the median age is 72 and the range of virus-related deaths is 20 to 107 years old. By race, the state's data show African Americans account
'Please, we need your help!' Bill de
Blasio says New York City will run out of
ventilators by Wednesday if it doesn't
get more and pleads with health care
workers to aid in fight against *
Posted by Ribicon 4/5/2020 6:40:07 PM Post Reply
New York City hospitals will run out of ventilators by Wednesday at the latest, Mayor Bill de Blasio warned on Sunday during his coronavirus briefing. ‘We have bought a few more days here,’ the mayor told reporters at City Hall on Sunday. ‘We believe now we can get to Tuesday or Wednesday with the supplies we have.’ The mayor added: ‘I want to be clear, it only means a few more days, nothing more I can guarantee beyond that.’ According to de Blasio, the city has 135 ventilators in reserve. The mayor said the city needs between 1,000 and 1,500 more to get through next week.
Louisiana governor claims he had no idea
Mardi Gras in New Orleans would trigger
a coronavirus outbreak even though he was
given a briefing on the epidemic WEEKS
before the massive celebration was held
Posted by Ribicon 4/5/2020 6:28:12 PM Post Reply
The governor of Louisiana said Sunday that he wasn't told to cancel the massive Mardi Gras celebrations at the end of February, even though governors were briefed on the coronavirus threat weeks earlier. 'There was not a single suggestion by anyone–a doctor, a scientist, a political figure–that we needed to cancel Mardi Gras,' John Bel Edwards told CNN's State of the Union Sunday morning.(Snip) Although concerns over coronavirus and its ramifications didn't manifest until March in the U.S., U.S. governors were briefed February 9 at the National Governors Association Winter Meeting by members of Donald Trump's coronavirus task force on the growing threat
Illegal border crossing reportedly ‘next to
nothing … less than 150 apprehensions’ for
almost a week
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/5/2020 6:25:35 PM Post Reply
Not to make light of the deadly global coronavirus pandemic, but it has inadvertently engendered one rather serendipitous side effect for the United States: It’s led illegal border crossings to plummet to levels not seen since the Sept. 11 attacks. “It’s like next to nothing,” an anonymous high-ranking border official said to the Washington Examiner. “For almost a week, their apprehensions have been under 150.” “This is what happened on 9/11 — on steroids. Mexico has locked down a lot of their country … and then they [migrants] think if they come to the U.S., they’re going to catch the virus.”
BREAKING: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson
Admitted To Hospital Over Coronavirus
Posted by momoftwinteens 4/5/2020 6:20:14 PM Post Reply
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was admitted to the hospital on Sunday after continuing to experience symptoms from the coronavirus after testing positive 10 days ago. A spokesperson for Johnson said in a statement, “On the advice of his doctor, the Prime Minister has tonight been admitted to hospital for tests.” “This is a precautionary step, as the Prime Minister continues to have persistent symptoms of coronavirus ten days after testing positive for the virus,” the statement continued.
Biden Hints Trump Should Have Stopped
Air Travel from China Sooner —
’45 Nations Had Already Moved’
Posted by earlybird 4/5/2020 4:07:04 PM Post Reply
Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” former Vice President Joe Biden said President Donald Trump should have stopped air travel from China sooner than he did to fight the coronavirus pandemic by saying 45 nations had already blocked “China personnel from being able to come to the United States.” On Trump’s response to the outbreak, Biden said, “I would tell him what we went through a similar crisis, you have to move swiftly. We have to move more rapidly. You have to implement the Defense Production Act, empower a supply commander, create, you know, a Defense Production Act for banks for small business loans, you got to faster than slower, and
Check points at Louisiana-
Texas border open Sunday
Posted by NorthernDog 4/5/2020 3:08:16 PM Post Reply
NEW ORLEANS — Checkpoints to screen vehicles have been set up on all roads entering Texas from Louisiana as of Sunday, April 5, according to Louisiana State Police. These checkpoints are designed to prevent people from the state of Louisiana from spreading the coronavirus in Texas. According to the executive order from Gov. Greg Abbott, “Every person who enters the State of Texas through roadways from Louisiana … shall be subject to mandatory self-quarantine…” The order does not apply to people traveling for military service, emergency response, healthcare workers coming to assist in the state or other critical functions.
Saints legendary kicker Tom Dempsey dies
at the age of 73 from COVID-19 complications
Posted by NorthernDog 4/5/2020 2:57:47 PM Post Reply
New Orleans Saints legendary kicker Tom Dempsey died at 73 years old Saturday, the team announced Sunday morning. Dempsey, who was inducted into the Saints Hall of Fame in 1989, died from complications of COVID-19, which he contracted on March 25. He's also battled Alzheimer's disease and dementia since 2012. (Snip) Dempsey was born without toes on his right foot and fingers on his right hand, but was still able to turn in a strong kicking career with the Saints after signing on with the club in 1969 as an undrafted free agent. Because of that disability, he wore a
'Follow the science': Biden says he’ll wear
mask in public during coronavirus pandemic
Posted by Imright 4/5/2020 2:50:15 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden said he would follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendation to wear a face mask in public.“I think it’s important to follow the science. Listen to the experts. Do what they tell you,” Biden told ABC’s This Week on Sunday, adding, “If I go out in public — and I have not gone to commercial places of late, I haven’t gone to my local church, etc. There’s no services, actually. But my generic point is that you should follow the science.”The move differs from how President Trump said he would act in public. Trump said Friday he would not wear a mask because it could interfere
Holed up at No.10 with the coronavirus,
Boris Johnson embodies a human comedy
Posted by PageTurner 4/5/2020 2:42:50 PM Post Reply
In the U.K., Queen Elizabeth II will be making a rare and stately message to rally the nation in the wake of the coronavirus crisis. It's a brave move for the nation fighting rising COVID-19 cases, doubly so in light of London's historic legacy of plagues. But back at No.10, things are a bit more redolent of something different from the classics -- a human comedy. Poor Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been hit hard by the coronavirus. Assuming he's going to get through this, what he's doing now is certain to endear him to the British public, who will all recognize not just Boris being Boris,
Report: Fired Commander of Aircraft Carrier
Captain Crozier Tested Positive for Coronavirus
Posted by Imright 4/5/2020 2:41:06 PM Post Reply
The ex-commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, Navy Capt. Brett Crozier, tested positive for coronavirus before he was removed from command, according to a report.Crozier began exhibiting symptoms before he was removed from the ship on Thursday, the New York Times reported on Sunday morning, citing two of Crozier’s close friends.Navy Secretary Thomas Modly fired Crozier on Thursday, after a memo he wrote urging Navy leaders to get sailors off the ship faster in Guam due to a coronavirus outbreak leaked to the San Francisco Chronicle, Crozier’s hometown paper.Modly said Crozier was not fired for raising concerns, but for emailing the memo over an unsecured and unclassified system
Vermont Bans Big Box Retailers From In-Person
Sales of Clothing, Books, Movies, Music, and
Gardening Seeds to Slow Coronavirus
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/5/2020 2:26:07 PM Post Reply
This week Vermont issued regulations banning big box retailers from in-person selling of “non-essential” items as part of the state’s efforts to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus. Included in the list are clothing, books, movies, music and seeds and plants for gardens. Customers will be allowed to order restricted items for pick-up. Browsing for them will be prohibited. [Tweet] Vermont is home to socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders who is still running for the Democrat’s presidential nomination. The edict was issued by the “Agency of Commerce and Community Development” on Tuesday. Text: Agency of Commerce and Community Development Directs “Big Box” Retailers to Cease In-Person Sales of Non-Essential Items
Walmart Announces New Coronavirus Policies
Limiting Customers in Stores
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/5/2020 2:12:35 PM Post Reply
As the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus increases its permeation throughout the country, Walmart announced Friday it is enacting new policies for its U.S. stores to protect its workers and customers by increasing social distancing by limiting the number of customers allowed in at one time and by marking some store aisles as ‘one way’. The chain had previously cut store hours to facilitate cleaning and restocking in response to the virus and stockpiling by customers. Walmart has also had to ration products in short supply, as this photo shows: [photo]
Scotland's chief medical officer, 51,
offers to resign and apologises on live
TV after she is given police warning for
TWICE ignoring her own warnings to visit
her family's second home during lockdown
Posted by Ribicon 4/5/2020 2:10:01 PM Post Reply
Scotland's chief medical officer has apologised live on TV after she was given a police warning for ignoring her own advice, by twice visiting her family's retreat more than 40 miles from her main home. Doctor Catherine Calderwood said her actions were 'a mistake and human error' and that were 'no excuses'. But while standing in a press conference beside Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who faced mounting calls to sack the medical expert, she said her intention was to 'continue to focus' on her role. Ms Sturgeon said Dr Calderwood had offered her resignation, but she declined, saying her expertise and advice had been 'invaluable'.
‘Unicorn Killer’ Ira Einhorn, 79,
dies in Pa. prison
Posted by Judy W. 4/5/2020 1:53:46 PM Post Reply
Ira Einhorn, 79, the convicted murderer known as the “Unicorn Killer,” died of natural causes early Friday in state prison, authorities said. (Snip) Einhorn was found guilty of fatally bludgeoning his girlfriend, Helen “Holly” Maddux, 30, in 1977 and stuffing her body into a trunk that he kept in his Powelton apartment for 18 months. In 1981, just before his trial, he fled to Europe, and he remained on the lam for two decades. He was extradited from France in 2001, and a Philadelphia jury convicted him of first-degree murder in 2002 in Maddux’s slaying. He was sentenced to life in prison. Einhorn, a hippie guru in the 1960s and ’70s,
Pritzker on CNN: Trump ‘does not
understand the word federal,’ as debate
over COVID-19 stockpile rages
Posted by AltaD 4/5/2020 1:38:27 PM Post Reply
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker ripped President Donald Trump on Sunday over management of the federal stockpile holding undistributed and urgently needed COVID-19 supplies. Trump – and Jared Kushner, the president’s senior adviser and son-in-law - have been saying the states have no special priority access to the Strategic National Stockpile to obtain desperately needed supplies. Trump has been reluctant to fully distribute ventilators and other medical equipment from the national stockpile as governors, including Pritzker, are begging for help.(Snip) If they had started in February, building ventilators, getting ready for this pandemic, we would not have the problems that we have today and frankly, very many fewer people would die,” Pritzker said.
White House Warns Against Grocery
Shopping, Leaving Home As Coronavirus
Hits Peak
Posted by earlybird 4/5/2020 1:36:54 PM Post Reply
In a Saturday afternoon press conference, the White House coronavirus task force warned that Americans should consider avoiding leaving their homes this week as the deadly outbreak, which has so far infected more than 300,000 and killed nearly 9,000, is expected to reach its peak. “The next two weeks are extraordinarily important,” White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx said Saturday. “This is the moment to not be going to the grocery store, not going to the pharmacy, but doing everything you can to keep your family and your friends safe.” (Snip)at least three regions of the United States — the midwest, the northeast, and the areas surrounding New
Coronavirus Consequences Coming
into View
Posted by earlybird 4/5/2020 1:25:22 PM Post Reply
The new Democratic pre-electoral chorus is already audibly arising like a Wagnerian finale from the largely hidden choir. President Trump, they intone, bungled this and must be investigated for his incompetence which is costing countless American lives. Because of his negligence and stupidity, the country must be shut down for months to ensure an economic disaster entirely attributable (unsurprisingly) to the contemptible ineptitude of the Bad Orange Man.(Snip)Even less forgivable is the campaign, already begun by New York Times hit-person Maggie Haberman to tear down the White House’s coronavirus response coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx, who is an indisputable expert doing an exceptionally capable job. Birx has an unblemished career of
Candace Owens Accuses Governor Of
‘Lying’ About Newborn’s Coronavirus
-‘Linked’ Death, Calls For Resignation
Posted by earlybird 4/5/2020 11:35:23 AM Post Reply
Despite medical officials having yet to issue a final cause of death for the infant, and his office admitting as much, Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont (D) declared to the nation Wednesday that his state had suffered what he described as “the first pediatric fatality in Connecticut linked to COVID-19,” the death of a 7-week-old who tested positive for the virus in the autopsy. In a video posted on social media Friday that has already racked up nearly 3 million views, conservative commentator Candace Owens demanded the governor resign for what she says she has confirmed to be a willful “lie.”
ABC Claims Trump Is Treating Crisis
Briefings Like a ‘Reality TV Show’
Posted by Imright 4/5/2020 11:30:42 AM Post Reply
ABC’s chief White House correspondent and White House Correspondents Association president, Jon Karl was the latest liberal journalist to decide they wanted to make a fat stack of cash by publishing a new anti-Trump book (Front Row at the Trump Show). As such, his Sunday appearance on Good Morning America was just another chance to hawk his product. He insisted President Trump was making a mockery of the coronavirus crisis and was using the daily press briefings as “a reality TV show.”With no consideration to the fact that, as president, Trump needed to juggle warning Americans
The World Needs Masks. China Makes Them,
but Has Been Hoarding Them.
Posted by Chicagoan 4/5/2020 11:30:19 AM Post Reply

SHANGHAI — As hospitals and governments hunt desperately for respirators and surgical masks to protect doctors and nurses from the coronavirus pandemic, they face a difficult reality: The world depends on China to make them, and the country is only beginning to share.  China made half the world’s masks before the coronavirus emerged there, and it has expanded production nearly 12-fold since then. But it has claimed mask factory output for itself. Purchases and donations also brought China a big chunk of the world’s supply from elsewhere.  Now, worries about mask supplies are rising. As the virus’s global spread escalates, governments around the world are restricting exports of protective gear, which experts say could worsen the pandemic.

Questions remain about the death of a
Hartford infant, despite governor’s
claim death was linked to coronavirus
Posted by earlybird 4/5/2020 11:30:09 AM Post Reply
Two days after Connecticut officials announced the death of a Hartford infant was potentially the youngest victim of the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, questions remain about the 6-week-old baby’s exact cause of death. The child arrived unresponsive at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center on March 26 and died that afternoon, and a preliminary police investigation into the infant’s death found no signs of trauma, officials said. All patients who die in Connecticut hospitals during the pandemic are being tested for the virus, regardless of their manner of death, so the infant was tested post-mortem and the results came back positive.
So many to blame for coronavirus
crisis, so don’t bother
Posted by Garnet 4/5/2020 11:06:05 AM Post Reply
As a deadly virus sweeps across America, it was inevitable that we would also suffer an outbreak of the blame game. With the body count soaring and the economy collapsing, finger pointing is in full bloom. Never mind that all the blame in the world will not save a single life or create a job. The game must go on because politics is ultimately a zero-sum affair. President Trump, of course, is the most common target, and his critics are the usual suspects. Democrats and the media are ganging up to create a narrative that people died because Trump failed to act fast enough. “As the president fiddles, people are dying,”
Small Businesses Are Almost Out
Of Time, And It Matters To All Of Us
Posted by Garnet 4/5/2020 11:01:55 AM Post Reply
It took only 15 days after the coronavirus outbreak was confirmed in the U.S. for Boba Guys, a popular San Francisco bubble tea chain with 400 employees and 17 locations, to shut its doors. With an average daily income of only $7 above daily expenses, the typical small business has a median cash buffer of 27 days of burn before it runs out of money.Karen Mills, prior head of the Small Business Administration (SBA), said recently that “20%, even 30%, of small businesses could fail even in a good scenario.” Without immediate support to buffer the cash flows of stalled businesses waiting for the economy to reopen,
Coronavirus hits African despots hard
now they can no longer fly abroad to
have expensive medical treatment
Posted by Ribicon 4/5/2020 10:54:55 AM Post Reply
The coronavirus pandemic is forcing African leaders to face up to the realities of their own countries' healthcare systems. Dramatic travel restrictions imposed across the continent will see rich and poor alike reliant on the same doctors and resources available in their home country.(Snip) For years, leaders from Benin to Zimbabwe have received medical care abroad while their own poorly funded health systems limp from crisis to crisis. Several presidents, including ones from Nigeria, Malawi and Zambia, have died overseas. The practice is so notorious that a South African health minister, Aaron Motsoaledi, a few years ago scolded: 'We are the only continent
Did Anyone Think This Through? replies
Posted by pros7767 4/5/2020 10:06:11 AM Post Reply
Count me as one of a diminishing number of "coronavirus response" skeptics. My vantage point is that of a working-class person (service manager in an auto repair shop). My state of Virginia has joined the growing number of states that has ordered its citizens to remain in their homes except for essential reasons, and a shutdown of non-essential businesses until at least June 10th. The good news for me is that auto repair is classed as an essential service and I have enough diverse skills to make me the kind of employee who will be the last to be laid off.
Update: Souza Deletes Twitter Account: Obama
White House Photographer Pete Souza
to President Trump: "F*** you potus"
Posted by Imright 4/5/2020 8:47:50 AM Post Reply
Update at end: Pete Souza, official White House photographer for President Barack Obama, swore at President Donald Trump on Twitter Saturday, dropping the F-bomb on Trump and calling him a “pathetic human being”.The episode is another example of the potentially violence inducing hatred expressed by senior Obama officials against President Trump in the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus crisis.
Grouse shoots scrapped as heather
burning is banned on moors
Posted by IowaDad 4/5/2020 6:51:25 AM Post Reply
Torching heather, popular with gamekeepers but bad for the environment, is now outlawed in several upland areas of northern England. The ban is a blow to grouse shoots, which burn older heather to make way for younger, more nutritious plants for grouse to feed on, but environmental groups say the practice harms the environment. Research by the University of Leeds has found that burning grouse moors degrades peatland habitat, releases climate-altering gases, reduces biodiversity and increases flood risk
Trump Should Use the Pandemic to
His, and America’s, Advantage
Posted by Imright 4/5/2020 5:37:49 AM Post Reply
When Rahm Emanuel told audiences that former President Barack Obama should “never let a serious crisis go to waste,” he was applauded. Emanuel was referring to the Obama Administration’s response to the Great Recession. Clearly, President Obama agreed. Obama ushered in the greatest reorganization of the American socio-economic order under the auspices of resolving the financial crisis (which, of course, Obama never actually did resolve).Similarly, the outbreak of the novel coronavirus from Wuhan, China offers President Trump a momentous opportunity to enact his own sweeping agenda
Inside the luxurious underground
bunkers where the rich bug out
Posted by Imright 4/5/2020 5:19:28 AM Post Reply
When the going gets tough, the rich get going … to luxurious underground bunkers. Suddenly, heading six feet under doesn’t sound so bad, especially when the new digs often include pre-stocked food and blast-proof doors.Helicopters are on standby “if that moment comes,” says one bunker specialist, to whisk elites into subterranean palaces with below-ground swimming pools, tennis courts and gourmet food rations in spaces you’d never know were originally designed for the military, both American and Soviet.If you’re not in the 1 percent, no problem,
Steady, devout Mike Pence leads
coronavirus fight past the haters
Posted by Pluperfect 4/5/2020 5:13:25 AM Post Reply
Since no one in the mainstream media would ever dare write this, allow me: I’d like to give a round of applause to Vice President Mike Pence. I can’t wait for the Trump-Deranged trolls to lose their minds as they read that opener. Take a deep breath guys, because I’m just getting started! We’ve always known that the vice president is a religious man. I mean, how could we forget? Since the day he was picked as VP in 2016, the media has never missed an opportunity to mock him for being an evangelical, born-again Christian.
Why Accepting Two Million COVID-19 Deaths
may be Better Than a National Lockdown
Posted by Imright 4/5/2020 5:07:15 AM Post Reply
We’ve heard much during the Wuhan flu crisis about a “worst case scenario” of two million dead Americans, a staggering number. But missing from the national conversation is something equally important: What’s the worst case scenario given our present course of action, largely locking down the country and freezing life like an insect stuck in amber?What if worse coming to worst means a great depression, a descent into tyranny, millions more dead from other causes and a permanently impoverished nation?Almost the entire virus debate has centered around whether the experts are correct
Bill de Blasio, America's worst mayor replies
Posted by Pluperfect 4/5/2020 5:03:09 AM Post Reply
After the 9/11 terrorist attack, Rudy Giuliani’s calm presence was an inspiration to the entire nation. Today, New York is a different kind of ground zero, and it has a very different kind of leadership — which is to say, the weak and woefully inadequate kind. To say that Mayor Bill de Blasio has done a poor job under pressure is to understate the case. In the simpler times of 2014, New Yorkers had the luxury of chuckling at his weak leadership, as when he killed a defenseless groundhog at a public event. But that he has proven himself such a clown amid a grave crisis,
Bet Your Life -- Vote for Democrats replies
Posted by Imright 4/5/2020 4:59:31 AM Post Reply
I’m trying to restrain my anger and speak measuredly, but it’s damn hard to do so. (Nancy Pelosi’s latest trial balloon -- an investigation into the President’s handling of the Wuhan virus, was so preposterous it drove me into something I never do -- binge watching old TV serials, in this case “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.”) The Wuhan virus spread throughout the world due to the Chinese government’s lies, and the acts of the head of the WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreysesus who came to that position from the violent Ethiopian Communist party and covered up for China as did the mainstream U.S. media.
'I'm Mad as Hell, and I'm Not
Going to Take This Anymore'
Posted by Pluperfect 4/5/2020 4:58:25 AM Post Reply
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore." Remember that line from the famous American movie "Network"? It's time for a rebellion. Every out-of-work American and every out-of-business American business owner needs to open their windows and shout it, shout it so loud it reaches President Donald Trump, Congress and every swamp politician from Washington D.C., to New York to Boston to Beverly Hills, California. It's time for this madness to stop. Mr. President, do you understand how many suicides of prominent business owners are going to start piling up?
The new abnormal: America,
post-coronavirus will never be the same
Posted by Pluperfect 4/5/2020 4:54:16 AM Post Reply
Just a few weeks ago, America’s economy was chugging along, high school seniors were prepping for graduation, fitness clubs were rolling out their spring specials and Americans were starting to discuss their summer travel plans. Now? Now it’s a different world. A brave new world. Now, masked men and women separated by six feet of government-mandated space wait their turns at the local grocery, hoping by the time they’re waved through the door there’ll still be toilet paper available for sale. Now, local restaurants advertise take-out only — and only the few that are still serving at all. Now, Americans stay home in the day, at night, all the hours in between,
America’s Favorite Movie replies
Posted by MissMolly 4/5/2020 4:49:25 AM Post Reply
For more than a decade, readers volunteering their ratings on the movie site IMDb have declared The Shawshank Redemption (1994) their favorite film of all time. (Number two is The Godfather). Unlike the unholy tablets that are the box office charts, which are strongly linked to marketing budgets and show a preference for regurgitated storylines, and unlike the Oscars, which reflect the preferences of an exclusive coterie of largely like-minded insiders at a single moment in time, the IMDb survey provides an excellent, constantly updated, democratic overview of which movies endure in the popular imagination over time. Shawshank has motivated more than two million people to log their ratings.
Zoom Teleconferencing App
'Mistakenly’ Exposed Data To China
Posted by Pluperfect 4/5/2020 4:43:47 AM Post Reply
The Zoom teleconferencing app has been “mistakenly” routing user data through China, the Silicon Valley company admitted Friday evening. The app has surged in popularity as workers and students the world over are stuck in their homes amid the coronavirus pandemic. Schools have been using the app for online classes while companies and even governments have been using it to hold meetings, and much of that data may have been exposed to China, the Financial Times reported. Certain calls were “allowed to connect to systems in China, where they should not have been able to connect,” the company said in a statement.
Closing Churches, Opening Jails replies
Posted by Pluperfect 4/5/2020 4:34:24 AM Post Reply
Thousands of prisoners have been released from jails since the coronavirus crisis hit. “In Los Angeles County, Sheriff Alex Villanueva has embarked on what appears to be the largest U.S. effort to release inmates, freeing 1,700 people this month, or about 10 percent of the population of one of the nation’s largest jail systems,” reports the New York Times. The New York Post has reported on the case of a child rapist who was released to protect him from the coronavirus: A Massachusetts man convicted of repeatedly raping a 12-year-old boy was ordered released from jail Friday — because he suffers from health conditions
Media mystified as America rallies behind
President Trump during coronavirus crisis
Posted by MissMolly 4/5/2020 4:30:45 AM Post Reply
For decades, Americans have rallied behind their president in time of crisis, so it’s no mystery that President Trump’s approval ratings are up. Except, that is, to anti-Trump obsessives — including much of the media. “Who Are the Voters Behind Trump’s Higher Approval Rating?” a New York Times headline asked last week. That is: Who could possibly think he’s doing a good job — when no one at the Times does? The paper notes that Trump’s positives, at 49 percent, are “as high as ever,” with independents and even some Democrats driving the numbers up.
European leaders lament:
Coronavirus might just kill the EU too
Posted by MissMolly 4/5/2020 4:21:41 AM Post Reply
If the European Union now finds itself in “mortal danger,” it’s only because it’s faced its first truly mortal threat. The Washington Post reports that European leaders have begun to warn that unilateral actions by its members — most recently Hungary but also core members France and Germany — will undo their decades-long experiment in continental unity. The raising of borders and the imposition of trade barriers in the coronavirus pandemic has all but sidelined Brussels in the crisis, and there’s little indication that EU members are interested in anything but their own domestic political standing.
UN chief calls for 'large-scale' coronavirus
response of 10 percent of global GDP
Posted by MissMolly 4/5/2020 4:14:59 AM Post Reply
U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres this week called for a “large-scale” international response to the global coronavirus crisis, consisting of 10 percent of global GDP -- and promising that the U.N. is “fully mobilized” to support such an effort. “What is needed is a large-scale, coordinated and comprehensive multilateral response amounting to at least 10 percent of global GDP,” he said in remarks at the launch of a report on the socioeconomic impacts of the virus.
Coronavirus response at Washington state
nursing home leads to $611,000 in fines
Posted by MissMolly 4/5/2020 4:11:27 AM Post Reply
A Seattle-area nursing home that has been an epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak and has recorded 37 resident deaths from the virus faces $611,000 in fines. Life Care Center also could lose Medicare and Medicaid funding if it doesn’t correct violations uncovered by federal regulators. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found the nursing home botched its response to the coronavirus outbreak by failing to report the increasing rate of respiratory infections among residents.
Schiff: Trump ‘Retaliating’ Against Enemies
‘As Thousands of People Are Dying’
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/5/2020 2:44:37 AM Post Reply
On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) reacted to the firing of Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson by stating President Trump is “retaliating against people that are on his enemies list and doing it in the dead of night” as people are dying. Schiff stated, “We’re in the middle of a pandemic, and what is this president doing, as thousands of people are dying? He is retaliating against people that are on his enemies list and doing it in the dead of night. This is just another showing of the character or the lack of character of this president.
The faith of Latter-day Saints
called upon to do battle
against COVID-19 during
church general conference
Posted by Reaganator 4/5/2020 2:44:18 AM Post Reply
SALT LAKE CITY — The suffering caused by COVID-19 surpassed 1.2 million cases on Saturday and the climbing death toll reached 64,667. Against that global backdrop, millions of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints scattered throughout the world gathered in houses, apartments, shacks and shanties to hear their prophet leader point the world toward Jesus Christ with a simple invitation: “Hear him.” President Russell M. Nelson asked that global audience and other believers to join him in calling on the powers of heaven with a day of fasting and prayer this week on Good Friday, a Christian holy day leading into Sunday’s Easter celebration of Christ’s resurrection.
Elizabeth Warren Demands ‘Critical’ Racial
Data of those with Coronavirus
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/5/2020 2:27:10 AM Post Reply
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is demanding the racial data of those contracting the novel coronavirus, contending that it is “critical to ensuring an equitable and just response to this crisis across the board.” While the virus appears to be no respecter of persons, infecting more than one million people globally, Warren believes it is “critical” to have racial data to properly respond to the pandemic. “Our health care system is rife with racial disparities. Racial data on coronavirus will be critical to ensuring an equitable and just response to this crisis across the board,” she wrote in a tweet, referencing an article from the Atlantic. “But we don’t have that data—yet,” she added:
Democrats Introduce Measure to Extend
Coronavirus Relief Check to Illegal Aliens
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/5/2020 2:00:23 AM Post Reply
Democrats on Friday introduced a measure to amend the $2 trillion CARES Act, extending the cash payment benefit to non-citizens, including illegal aliens. Three House Democrats, Reps. Lou Correa (CA), Judy Chu (CA), and Raúl Grijalva (AZ), introduced the Leave No Taxpayer Behind Act designed to amend the cash payment portion of the CARES Act — the $2 trillion emergency economic relief measure designed to help U.S. citizens who are facing economic hardship caused by the coronavirus pandemic — to extend to non-citizens. Currently, the CARES Act requires recipients to have a Social Security number. ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers) taxpayers, which include foreign nationals and those residing in the country illegally,
House Democrats introduce bill giving
coronavirus aid to illegal immigrants
Posted by PageTurner 4/5/2020 1:07:53 AM Post Reply
House Democrats introduced legislation Friday that would allow illegal immigrants to receive money from the coronavirus relief package. California Rep. Lou Correa and two other lawmakers introduced the Leave No Taxpayer Behind Act that would amend the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package, according to the Daily Caller. “I was appalled to learn hardworking, taxpaying immigrants were left out of the $2 trillion CARES Act,” Correa said in a statement Friday. “By casting out immigrants, we are placing some of our most vulnerable residents in grave danger. Every individual taxpayer, irrespective of citizenship status, needs government assistance now.”
6-week-old baby dies from the
Posted by PageTurner 4/5/2020 12:58:22 AM Post Reply
HARTFORD, CT -- Among the 85 people in Connecticut who have died from coronavirus as of Wednesday afternoon was a 6-week-old baby from Hartford. The newborn is the youngest person this virus has claimed in the state, as many who have died are elderly. Leaders said the baby was admitted to the hospital late last week and was unresponsive. After death, a postmortem was conducted and that’s when it was discovered the baby tested positive for the coronavirus. This is definitely not the norm and WFSB-TV asked doctors what, if anything, this death is telling them about how the virus is spreading and who can be infected.
New York Times Demonizes the South with
Misleading Coronavirus Map
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/5/2020 12:42:50 AM Post Reply
In a bigoted effort to mislead its readers and demonize the American South, the far-left New York Times on Thursday manufactured a wildly misleading coronavirus map. Using a desperately sweaty piece of reverse-engineering to make Southerners (and I’m a proud one, Yeeehaawwww) look as irresponsible as possible, the Times — a fake news outlet that hires racists, spreads deliberate misinformation, and has already smeared Christians as the cause of a coronavirus outbreak that’s currently hitting mostly secular, urban areas like New York — published a steaming pile of fake news. “Where America Didn’t Stay Home Even as the Virus Spread” is the name of the piece
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