How to Bring Down the Ideology of the Left
American Thinker,
Diana Mary Sitek
Original Article
Posted By: M2,
10/27/2019 6:30:21 AM
The ideology of the Left is integral to the Left's power. Democrats seek to codify political correctness into legislation as settled verities admitting no further debate. This is despite the abject failure of their policies to solve the problems they contend need fixing. The welfare state has spawned intergenerational dependence and misery as well as national debt. Their self-appointed victims have not been healed by un-gendered bathrooms. Yet despite facts, evidence, and rational thinking, which have all exposed the absurdity of the Left's current dogma, like fanatics, they cling to it more vehemently than ever.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
starboard 10/27/2019 9:04:48 AM (No. 218862)
We're seeing the results and permanent effects that liberalism has foisted on younger generations, especially those who were raised by weak liberal fathers or no fathers, and PC mothers and public school teachers. Back when most of us were growing up we had standards we followed. We knew right from wrong, most of which was common sense. I guess the Left would say that we have evolved and yesterday was so Republican or conservative. Two generations later, the lines have blurred and in sometimes there are no lines at all. We wise seniors of yesterday can clearly point out the major screw ups of today's culture are very democrat or Liberal. Our society is reaping what the Left sowed. Political Correctness is an oxymoron and is not correct.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 10/27/2019 9:11:05 AM (No. 218869)
So it really comes down to nipping the problem at its source...our indoctrination centers - the breeding ground of leftism.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
John C 10/27/2019 9:40:10 AM (No. 218887)
Leaks again.
All the networks did set-ups about the raid before the President spoke.
Fire them all!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 10/27/2019 10:03:38 AM (No. 218907)
Liberalism attacked Judeo-Christian social morality as "mean-spirited" for God's anti-homosexual teachings, "backward" due to its failure to embrace "new" attitudes toward drugs and alcohol and sex, and "not good enough" for our "modern society," yet now they seek to codify their own solution to fill the void left after removing God's Laws. God threatens future judgement as one reason for adhering to His Laws, laid out in the Old Testament, but the laws imposed by man require immediate compliance, lest judicial/prison punishment be doled out to correct the problem.
Leftist liberals never remove ANYTHING without next substituting their own flawed and tyrannical solution.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
DeweyCA 10/27/2019 11:48:20 AM (No. 219013)
This is the Cultural Marxism strategy in which "oppressors and the oppressed" replace the "bourgoise (sp?) and the proletariat." Leftists need to make everybody feel like they are victims so that they will be angry, dissatisfied and want to change the current political situation. This is the role of community agitators, like Obama. Saul Alinsky told his minions to "rub the sore raw." This is why leftist followers are continually so miserable. Their leaders WANT them to feel miserable. They WANT them to feel that others are taking advantage of them. The leftist leaders do NOT try to inspire hope within the individuals that they can achieve a better and meaningful life through their OWN efforts. They want the followers to feel helpless/dependent and look only to the leftist political leaders as their source of hope. As a result, they snuff out the spark of creativity and initiative that their people could have and instead remake them to have a slave-mentality. The Leftist leaders intentionally crush the souls and spirits of their followers. Even from a purely humanist point-of-view, it truly is satanic.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
mc squared 10/27/2019 12:22:13 PM (No. 219049)
I had to read this slowly and carefully and well worth it. Good fodder for the Conservative cannons..
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 10/27/2019 12:27:04 PM (No. 219053)
"despite the abject failure of their policies to solve the problems they contend need fixing"
"despite facts, evidence, and rational thinking, which have all exposed the absurdity of the Left's current dogma, like fanatics, they cling to it more vehemently than ever"
"Both sides justify their claims using chains of reasoning ... against which logical argument, he stated, cannot carry off victory. Vanquishment can be achieved only by an appeal to the emotions"
OK. WHERE does that leave us? We have an abjectly failed, fanatical, political group (it extends beyond the dem party and includes the media) that refuses to realize or accept their failures and incompetence. They continue to maintain an emotional appeal built on lies, fear, and hate.
We also have a Country that has a LOT of people in it that don't understand the founding principles and WHY they work and are so important. This Country is NOT based on the whim of the founders of the time. It is based on principles that WORKED then and continue to WORK now. The Left has and continues to assault those principles and proposes replacing them with proven failed ideas. The rational mind screams this is insanity but the emotional appeal continues to resonate even though it is a lie.
"It is time for us to take back not only our national sovereignty, but sovereignty over human nature."
Yes. How? The humanistic foundations of our Country have been under assault and we have been slowly losing for decades. Churches are failing. Instead of local service groups, people are told that government is the answer, even when it is clearly NOT. Our culture leaders are either brainwashed or liars seeking their own power. The media is pounding that drum as well. They have for decades, just not as blatantly. Our urban areas have been overcome with incompetent Leftist rule and the people there are blindly echoing Leftist propaganda in spite of the damage done by the people they support.
We have been speaking the truth. We show the facts. Some listen. Most don't. How does that get "fixed"?
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Franz 10/27/2019 12:41:24 PM (No. 219065)
It is hard to get the truth out when the Democrats, Dark State, and MSM shamelessly lying to suppress the truth..
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
cor-vet 10/27/2019 4:49:30 PM (No. 219264)
When the democrats own the majority of the media, it's hard to get the truth out.
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