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Posts on Sunday, October 13, 2019

Leftist Dark Money Group
Pushes Scheme
to Pack Supreme Court
with Liberal Justices
Posted by tisHimself 10/13/2019 10:57:51 PM Post Reply
Demand Justice, an organization founded by former members of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and associated with a secretive “social welfare organization” financed by billionaire activist George Soros, is pushing a scheme to pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices by adding new seats to the nation’s highest court. This comes after Demand Justice has failed in its repeated attempts to bring about the impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Ridiculous Shift – Adam Schiff No Longer
Requires CIA Gossip for Impeachment
Posted by earlybird 10/13/2019 10:23:20 PM Post Reply
Well, this was entirely predictable. First the impeachment strategy needed the anonymous CIA gossiper to testify. Then it leaked about how HPSCI Chairman Adam Shiff and his Lawfare staff actually created the “gossiper’s” silly third-hand complaint to an inspector general; who then changed ‘gossip’ rules to allow second and third-hand hearsay. It was all becoming more brutally sketchy, and the impeachment jenga blocks were tenuous at best. (Snip)republicans were going to inquire about how the CIA gossiper constructed his complaint; and then the complaint attorney’s started saying the gossiper would not appear in person, (Snip) Schiff now says there will likely be no gossiper testimony because now
Elizabeth Warren builds lead over
Joe Biden across early states: poll
Posted by NorthernDog 10/13/2019 10:04:50 PM Post Reply
Sen. Elizabeth Warren increased her advantage over former Vice President Joseph R. Biden across early states in the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, according to polling released on Sunday. Ms. Warren had a 31% to 25% edge over Mr. Biden among voters across 18 early primary and caucus states, up from a 1-point, 26% to 25% edge over Mr. Biden in surveys released last month, according to the CBS News polling. In New Hampshire, she led Mr. Biden by 8 points, 32% to 24%, up from a 1-point edge last month. Ms. Warren and Mr. Biden were also
Awkward! Chelsea Clinton emphatically
states a person with a beard and a penis
can 'absolutely' identify as a woman,
while mom Hillary shuffles and looks
conflicted as she blames 'generational'
differences for not being as open to *
Posted by Ribicon 10/13/2019 8:55:47 PM Post Reply
It may appear Hillary and Chelsea Clinton always see eye-to-eye, but in a recent interview one topic cracked the facade of the like-minded mother-daughter power duo. The one issue Hillary and Chelsea don't appear to agree on entirely is transgender self-identification. In an interview with The Sunday Times, journalist Decca Aitkenhead asked the Clintons if someone with a beard and a penis can ever be a woman, to which Chelsea replied emphatically, 'Yes.' However, as Aitkenhead describes it, Hillary looked 'uneasy', and blamed generational gaps for being less accepting. 'Errr. I'm just learning about this,' Hillary responded.
Armed robber shot and killed. Family
blames the clerk, saying he shouldn't
have weapon at work.
Posted by poster 10/13/2019 7:53:18 PM Post Reply
Remember that time you got pulled over for going 55 in a 30 with an expired registration? And remember how the cop wrote you two tickets? Do you remember thinking, “well, I shouldn’t have been speeding and I should have renewed my registration? But if I am being honest, I am really in the situation because that cop had the nerve to pull me over and hold me responsible for my choices.” Pretty sound logic, huh? But that is the logic being used by the family of a 23-year old Ohio man, who was shot and killed while trying to rob a Dollar General store at gun point.
Pointing a finger gun lands 12-year-old
Johnson County student in handcuffs
Posted by konocti95 10/13/2019 7:43:40 PM Post Reply
A 12-year-old Overland Park girl formed a gun with her fingers, pointed at four of her Westridge Middle School classmates one at a time, and then turned the pretend weapon toward herself. Police hauled her out of school in handcuffs, arrested her and charged the child with a felony for threatening. Shawnee Mission school officials said they could not discuss the case, citing privacy laws, but did say it wasn’t the district that arrested the child. “We don’t do that,” said spokesman David Smith. “That is not our job.” He said the role of the district police is “not to enforce the law but to keep kids and adults safe.”
MSNBC president Phil Griffin 'smirked as
he waved around a zoomed-in photograph
of Maria Menounos' naked crotch in a
staff meeting, after she was caught on
camera suffering a bikini malfunction,
according to Ronan Farrow's new book
Posted by Ribicon 10/13/2019 7:42:23 PM Post Reply
The president of MSNBC waved around a zoomed-in photograph of Maria Menounos' crotch in a staff meeting after she suffered a bikini malfunction, according to explosive details in Ronan Farrow's new book. Phil Griffin, 62, reportedly smirked as he told others in the room: 'Would you look at that? Not bad, not bad.' TV host Maria, 41, called the publication of the photographs 'the most embarrassing moment of my life' after the images emerged of her on the beach in Miami on New Years Eve in 2010.(Snip) The married dad-of-two is also said to have forced female producers to
Inside the media’s relentless crusade
to destroy President Trump
Posted by Imright 10/13/2019 7:30:50 PM Post Reply
Since Donald Trump’s election in 2016, the mainstream media has shed its once-noble mission — the pursuit of the truth — and instead adopted a new purpose: to take down the president. In an excerpt from her new book, “Resistance at All Costs: How Trump Haters are Breaking America,” out Tuesday, KIMBERLEY STRASSEL examines how far the press will go in its relentless crusade . . .Last week The Washington Post revealed the alarming news that House Democrats were considering having their anonymous “whistleblower” testify from a remote location, and in disguise. Just as shocking as the details of this plan was the justification the Post ladled on this
California bills seeks to ban 'lunch shaming,'
will guarantee state-funded meals for students
Posted by Imright 10/13/2019 7:24:22 PM Post Reply
A new California bill hopes that "lunch shaming" will be a thing of the past as it guarantees that students in schools will receive state-funded lunches, even if their parents have failed to pay meal fees.Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law the new piece of legislation, which bans the process in which institutions deny students a meal of their choice due to unpaid fees.The law amends the 2017 Child Hunger Prevention and Fair Treatment Act by requiring schools to invalidate policies that ask officials to give alternative meals to students who have unpaid fees, according to Newsom.
Schiff Says Congress May Not Need
To Interview Whistleblower After All
Posted by Imright 10/13/2019 7:17:30 PM Post Reply
Rep. Adam Schiff said Sunday that the House Intelligence Committee might not need to interview the CIA analyst who filed a whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump, a reversal for the Democrat, who has come under fire for failing to disclose the whistleblower’s contacts with his office.Schiff acknowledged he initially supported the whistleblower testifying about the Aug. 12 complaint, which centered on a July 25 phone call Trump had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.“Given that we already have the call record, we don’t need the whistleblower who wasn’t on the call
Protesters erect 'Lady Liberty' statue
on Hong Kong mountain top
Posted by Imright 10/13/2019 7:13:29 PM Post Reply
Pro-democracy protesters hauled a four-metre statue known as "Lady Liberty" to the top of a famous Hong Kong mountain early Sunday, announcing the peak would be its "final resting place".The statue depicts a female protester in a gas mask, protective goggles and helmet, an umbrella in one hand and a black flag in the other, proclaiming the protest slogan "Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times".It was a regular feature at larger, more peaceful rallies this summer, eliciting cheers when it was wheeled in by volunteers and transported around the city on the back of a truck.
Air Canada to stop announcing ‘ladies and
gentlemen’ in recognition of gender fluidity
Posted by Imright 10/13/2019 7:09:04 PM Post Reply
Employees aboard Air Canada flights will no longer greet guests by referring to them as "ladies and gentlemen" or "mesdames et messieurs," which has been typical protocol for years, in an effort to be conscious of gender fluidity.Flight attendants and other staff will not use the language in boarding announcements, and the company instead plans to replace the standard greetings with neutral words, such as "everybody" or "tout le monde.""We will be amending our onboard announcements to modernize them and remove specific references to gender," a media spokesperson for the company said, also noting that Air Canada was named one of Canada's Best Diversity Employers for 2019.
CONFIRMED!… Ilhan Omar and Lover
Tim Mynett Were Seen at the MN Trump
Riots! PHOTOS AND VIDEO — (Facial
Recognition Confirmation) ..UPDATE
Posted by Maryland_Patriot 10/13/2019 7:00:36 PM Post Reply
Riots of left wing radicals broke out in Minneapolis on Thursday night following President Trump’s record-setting rally in the Target Center. Far-left protesters reportedly made a bonfire with dozens of ‘Make America Great Again’ hats stolen off the heads of people who attended Thursday night’s Trump rally in Minnesota. Blaze correspondent Elijah Schaffer reported that there were approximately 40 hats stolen and burned. In the chaos and confusion citizen journalists accidentally caught Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar and her boyfriend Tim Mynett in the crowd.
In NYC the Term 'Illegal Alien'
Can Cost You $250,000
Posted by Hazymac 10/13/2019 5:09:23 PM Post Reply
The September 26, 2019 edition of the Washington Times included an article, NYC bans calling someone an 'illegal alien' or threatening to contact ICE that began with the following excerpt: "New York City has made it against the law to call someone an “illegal alien” or threaten them by calling immigration officials on them. City Hall’s Commission on Human Rights released the new measures this week that could pose up to a $250,000 fine. The restrictions say the term “alien” — typically used to refer to a noncitizen — is a loaded phrase meant to categorize migrants as 'other' and dehumanize them." Before we consider the attack
Trade deal with China is a blockbuster replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/13/2019 4:53:22 PM Post Reply
What the Democrats fear most is happening: President Trump and his negotiating team are reaching wide-ranging agreements with China that will be a huge boon to the United States. In an Oval Office press conference yesterday, President Trump and China’s Vice Premier announced a Phase 1 set of agreements that will be documented over the next several weeks. The video of the press conference is embedded below; Trump’s performance was masterful. His many years of experience as a negotiator shine through. The Phase 1 agreement covers several important topics, including agricultural sales. China has agreed to ramp up its purchases of agricultural products to $40-$50 billion
‘Journalist’ Soledad O’Brien Leads Discussion
Of Why Trump Supporters Are ‘Trash’
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/13/2019 4:31:50 PM Post Reply
Brand ‘Journalist’ Soledad O’Brien Leads Discussion of Why Trump Supporters Are ‘Trash’ ‘Journalist’ Soledad O’Brien Leads Discussion Of Why Trump Supporters Are ‘Trash’ Posted at 12:30 pm on October 13, 2019 by Nick Arama Screenshot from this video We’ve always known that there are some Democrats and some in the liberal media who regard those on the right, those that make up a lot of Middle America, with something of a quiet disdain, that they are not as enlightened as the coastal elite, their betters, are. Democrats like Hillary Clinton demonstrated this with her description of a good portion of Americans as “deplorables.” Soledad O’Brien, who used to work for CNN, Al Jazeera
Another Federal Judge Spits In The Face
Of The Supreme Court
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/13/2019 4:25:34 PM Post Reply
Stop me if you’ve seen this movie before. Another federal judge has decided that Trump building a border wall through his emergency declaration is illegal. This came from Judge David Briones, a Clinton appointee (shocked face). His reasoning is as specious as the first judge that tried this. Another federal judge ruled against President Trump’s use of a “national emergency” declaration to divert funds for the construction of a border wall on Friday, finding the use of an emergency proclamation “unlawful” because it violated a Congressional budgeting measure from January.
Kellyanne Conway: Biden Is Only The
Frontrunner Because The Rest Of
The Democrats Are "Unabashed Socialists"
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 4:23:32 PM Post Reply
Counselor to President Trump, Kellyanne Conway, weighs in on Hunter Biden's overseas business dealings, the Democrats impeachment push and Trump's potential trade deal with China. "I'm one of the people around the president who just -- who says, you know, prop him up, meaning let's keep Biden in there for a while," Conway joked about Biden. "The reason he's the front-runner is because the rest of the field are unabashed socialists," she said. "You've actually had Bernie Sanders insulting Elizabeth Warren this week. You know what she said, Maria? He said, socialist Bernie Sanders insulted socialist Elizabeth Warren by saying she's actually a capitalist.
Even Saturday Night Live is
starting to find the Democrats ridiculous
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 4:18:35 PM Post Reply
There's all kinds of material Saturday Night live might pick for its cold open, so it says something that they've had about enough of the phony Democrats in their extremely embarassing town halls to find them rich, rich material. They featured this week in the cold-open skit, which began with a reenactment of the LGBTQ town hall the Democrats conducted with Anderson Cooper as host, finding plenty of things to make fun of. They began with the last scrum of Democrats remaining in the race (reinforcing that Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders have descended into a nothingburger, though maybe they wanted to protect Bernie), with
Donaldson: Trump Supporters Have a
‘Fixation’ on Returning U.S. to a
‘White Christian Country’
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 4:16:27 PM Post Reply
On Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” former ABC “World News’ anchor Sam Donaldson accused President Donald Trump’s supporters of having a “fixation” on returning America to a “white Christian country.” They want to return this country to the white Christian country that they believe it should be again. Donaldson said, “The Trump rallies are Trump’s strong supporters. I mean, ‘lock her up,’ all the things he says, all the vicious, mean things he says, they love it. There are these people in this country. They’re good Americans otherwise. They’ll probably give you the shirt off their back, they’ll help you if you need it, but they have this fixation.
'Paralyzed with hatred of President’: Sara
Carter shares speech Nancy Pelosi wishes
she NEVER gave on impeachment and WOW
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/13/2019 4:14:21 PM Post Reply
Sara Carter shared the speech Nancy Pelosi gave about the Republicans impeaching President Clinton and it’s very, very telling. And as Carter says, it’s likely Nancy wishes she never gave this speech. Watch. [Tweet] Life comes at ya’ fast, eh Nancy? From Nancy Pelosi via Sara Carter: Today the republican majority is not judging the President Clinton with fairness, but impeaching him with the vengeance.Life comes at ya’ fast, eh Nancy? From Nancy Pelosi via Sara Carter: Today the republican majority is not judging the President Clinton with fairness, but impeaching him with the vengeance.
Flght-shaming catching on in Europe replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/13/2019 4:13:36 PM Post Reply
There are a number of things that climate activists don’t want the rest of us to do, like eating meat and flying on airplanes. They seem to have decided that discouraging flying is a better bet than compulsory vegetarianism, so several European countries are moving in that direction. In Sweden, the government “is considering making it mandatory for travel companies to declare the climate impact of their long-haul trips.” "The companies should inform customers of the climate impact of long-haul trips when advertising or selling tickets, the government said on Friday." It would be interesting to see how they would do this, since no one has any idea
Adam Schiff: ‘There Doesn’t Need to
Be a Quid Pro Quo’ to Impeach Trump
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 4:13:25 PM Post Reply
On Sunday’s broadcast of CBS’s “Face the Nation,” House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) argued there did not have to be a “quid pro quo” to impeach President Donald Trump. Schiff said, “Well, we’re keeping our focus right now on the president’s coercion of an ally, that is Ukraine, to create this sham investigations into his political opponent. We have discovered in very short order not only the contents of that call but also the preparatory work that went into that call. The effort to condition something the Ukrainian president deeply sought, that is, a meeting with the president, to establish this new president
Jewish man attacked in
‘disgusting incident’ in
Crown Heights, de Blasio says
Posted by Ribicon 10/13/2019 4:12:56 PM Post Reply
Crown Heights, Brooklyn—A Jewish man was attacked in Brooklyn on Saturday by a man on a bike, officials said. The 42-year-old victim was on New York Avenue near Union Street when a man on a bike slapped him in the face and called him a “dirty Jew” around 12:10 p.m., an NYPD spokeswoman said. Mayor Bill de Blasio called the assault a “disgusting incident” in a tweet and said the NYPD Hate Crimes Unit is investigating. “Anti-Semitic attacks are attacks on ALL New Yorkers and our values,” he tweeted. No arrests have been made.
Leftist Dark Money Group Pushes
Scheme to Pack Supreme Court
with Liberal Justices
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 4:11:06 PM Post Reply
Demand Justice, an organization founded by former members of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and associated with a secretive “social welfare organization” financed by billionaire activist George Soros, is pushing a scheme to pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices by adding new seats to the nation’s highest court. This comes after Demand Justice has failed in its repeated attempts to bring about the impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. A Demand Justice petition circulated over the weekend reads: The number of justices is not established in the Constitution — in fact, we’ve changed the number of justices seven times throughout our history.
Peggy Noonan: Hunter Biden
Is the ‘Story of the Swamp’
— ‘American People Don’t Like It’
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 4:08:32 PM Post Reply
Sunday, during the roundtable portion of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan warned the Hunter Biden side of the Trump impeachment story, which she called “the story of the swamp,” puts the younger Biden on the wrong side of the American people. Partial transcript as follows: CHUCK TODD: Peggy, it is — the Biden campaign has been trying to find that balance between trying to mitigate the damage that they think Trump’s doing and at the same time not letting Trump dictate the message. But Trump’s been dictating the message.
New York Post: Fox News
‘Misrepresented’ Impeachment Poll
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 4:06:26 PM Post Reply
The New York Post released an analysis Saturday, which found Fox News had “mispresented” their poll, suggesting a majority of Americans supported impeachment of President Donald Trump. Fox News released a poll this week which found that 51 percent of registered voters want President Trump impeached and removed from office, while 4 percent want Trump impeached but want him to stay in office, and 40 percent of voters oppose impeachment. The Fox News poll found that supposedly showed a double-digit increase in the number of voters who wanted Trump impeached and removed from office. However, according to a New York Post analysis, Fox News misrepresented Americans’ alleged support for impeachment.
Tlaib: Dems Have Discussed Arresting White
House Officials Who Refuse to Comply With
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/13/2019 4:05:48 PM Post Reply
Freshman Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MN) told the Deadline Detroit that House Democrats have talked about arresting and detaining members of President Donald Trump's administration who fail to comply with congressional subpoenas. While this is something Democrats are contemplating, Tlaib said this is "uncharted territory." “If they were to detain someone, where would they go and have them detained so that they can comply with the subpoenas?” Tlaib said. “There have been actual serious conversations about what the logistics would look like . . . if we did have to force someone through a court order to come before the Congressional committee," she explained.
Creep walked 351 miles for sex with
14-year-old, who was undercover cop
Posted by Ribicon 10/13/2019 3:30:55 PM Post Reply
A convicted pedophile from Indiana was busted for trying to have sex with a 14-year-old girl—after walking 351 miles to meet her, according to authorities. Tommy Lee Jenkins, 32, began an X-rated instant-message exchange with a teen named “Kylee” in Wisconsin who was actually a sheriff’s deputy, according to the US Attorney’s Office. Jenkins asked her for sexually explicit photographs while badgering her to meet him for sex in Whitestown, Ind., where he lived, officials said. When she refused, he set off on foot for where she supposedly was, in Neenah, Wisc.—repeatedly sending her explicit messages
Nevada Student Arrested Knocking
Over Turning Point USA Table
Posted by Imright 10/13/2019 3:29:27 PM Post Reply
A University of Nevada-Reno student has been charged with property destruction and disturbing the peace after knocking over a Turning Point USA table on campus. The TPUSA activists were promoting an upcoming speech on campus by the group’s founder Charlie Kirk when Kevin Edsel began cursing at them and flipped the table over. (Tweet/Video) ampus Reform reports that Edsel was booked into the Washoe County Jail a few days after the incident. He has pleaded not guilty to both counts and is due back in court on November 21.
Hanoi Jane Fonda Says She’s Been
‘Climate Scientist For Decades’
Posted by Imright 10/13/2019 2:46:23 PM Post Reply
When she went to North Vietnam and sat on one of their anti-aircraft guns while Americans were dying in the Vietnam war, was it just a climate investigation? Because Jane Fonda says she has been a “climate scientist for decades and decades.”Fonda was interviewed by ABC News on Thursday, the day before she was arrested with sixteen other protesters on Friday after being repeatedly warned by police to leave the steps of the U.S. Capitol. Hanoi Jane was charged with “crowding, obstructing or incommoding.” and was released hours later.
Elizabeth Warren's faux Cherokee, faux victim, faux media narratives replies
Posted by jeb184 10/13/2019 2:40:00 PM Post Reply
With the presidential prospects of former Vice President Joe Biden fading due to his shady Ukrainian business dealings on behalf of son Hunter, Sen. Elizabeth Warren has become the newest darling of the Democrat/Media complex. The problem with Warren is her tendency to tell tall biographical tales to make up for what she obviously sees as her inadequacies. And her current troubles, as was the case for those in her past, revolve around the accident of her birth. When race and ethnicity became determining factors in hiring at American universities in the 1970s, Warren suddenly discovered she was a member of the Cherokee tribe.
NBC Political Director Presses Mattis
to Attack Trump, General Refuses
Posted by Imright 10/13/2019 2:39:37 PM Post Reply
Fresh off of touting the simplicity of the Democratic impeachment narrative against President Trump earlier that morning, NBC political director Chuck Todd took to Meet the Press and pushed former defense secretary, General James Mattis to attack the President. The retired General refused to acquiesce to Todd’s prodding and declared it was “the worst time, I think, for military people to step out like that.”In the pre-recorded interview, Todd’s pressing for political declarations started with a question about one of the liberal media’s oldest obsessions: Russia. “Are you concerned that while the country speaks with one voice on a governmental level when it comes to Russia
‘No human is limited’: Kipchoge
runs sub-2 hour marathon
Posted by Hazymac 10/13/2019 2:21:16 PM Post Reply
VIENNA — Roger Bannister, 1954. Eliud Kipchoge, 2019? Like the sub-four minute mile, running a marathon in less than two hours had seemed impossible — until Saturday. But this time there’s an asterisk: Olympic champion Kipchoge performed his feat under conditions so tightly controlled to maximize his success that it won’t appear in the record books. The 34-year-old Kenyan completed the 42.195 kilometers (26.2 miles) in 1 hour, 59 minutes, 40.2 seconds at the INEOS 1:59 Challenge, an event set up for the attempt. Ahead of the event, Kipchoge even compared the feat to being “like the first man on the moon.” Afterward, he drew comparisons to Bannister,
'Hard-Hitting CNN Journalist' Jim Acosta
Came to a Vile Conclusion About Trump
Supporters In Minneapolis
Posted by Imright 10/13/2019 2:12:33 PM Post Reply
The mainstream media is often unsure why President Donald Trump has dubbed the term "fake news" and why he continually calls them out for their shoddy reporting. CNN's Jim Acosta is one of the so-called "reporters" who has been at the forefront of Trump's battle with the press. Last year, the White House suspended his hard press pass after he pushed an intern holding a microphone. Eventually, CNN sued to have the hard pass reinstated. They won the lawsuit, Acosta's press pass was reinstated and things went back to "normal." Throughout the entire ordeal Acosta seemed confused about why he was being denied access to the White House.
California opens state boards to undocumented
immigrants and other non-citizens
Posted by poster 10/13/2019 2:11:07 PM Post Reply
Undocumented immigrants and other non-citizens will be allowed to serve on state boards and commissions after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a package of bills Saturday intended to integrate immigrants further into society. SB225 by Sen. Maria Elena Durazo, D-Los Angeles, expands eligibility for state appointments to any California resident over the age of 18. In a signing message, Newsom said applicants deserved to be considered on their merits, rather than their immigration status.
Boom! Watch Rep. Lee Zeldin DESTROY
ABC Hack Jon Karl on Biden Crime
Family and Burisma Holdings (Video)
Posted by Imright 10/13/2019 1:38:23 PM Post Reply
The liberal mainstream media continues to push its lies on the American public.On Sunday Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) joined Jon Karl on ABC’s This Week.(Photo) During the discussion Karl pushed Lee Zeldin to comment on President Trump’s discussion with the Ukrainian president on the Ukrainian connections to the illegal spying on his campaign in 2016 and on the topic of Hunter Biden’s promotion to the Burisma Board in Ukraine where he was making over $50,000 a month from Ukraine. Lee Zeldin immediately used the opportunity to blast the REAL CRIMES committed by the Biden Crime Family.
James Comey Fantasizes About Erasing
His Twitter Account After End Of
Trump Era
Posted by Imright 10/13/2019 1:32:38 PM Post Reply
In a new interview published by The New York Times, Former FBI Director James Comey revealed that he longs for the day where he can erase his Twitter account. “I have a fantasy about on January 21, 2021, deleting my Twitter and moving on to something else,” he told NYT. “But until then, I can’t.”Comey has been an open critic of President Trump and was spotted campaigning for a Democrat last year. He told NYT that he plans to spend the next 13 months working to prevent Donald Trump’s re-election. “I feel stuck, like I can’t do something else.
Trump on Obama’s Silence During Biden
Ukraine Saga: ‘I Think He’s Hiding’
Posted by Imright 10/13/2019 1:28:42 PM Post Reply
During an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Justice” on Saturday, President Donald Trump speculated as to why former President Barack Obama has remained silent as allegations have unfolded regarding wrongdoing by former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden that occurred during his presidency. Trump said he thought Obama was “hiding” and raised the possibility that Obama was aware of the efforts from former FBI agents Lisa Page and Peter Strzok to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Partial transcript as follows:you know, I want to ask a question that I haven’t heard you answer. And that is, where is Barack Obama in all this?
What is Spygate? replies
Posted by earlybird 10/13/2019 1:09:46 PM Post Reply
“Spygate could be one of the biggest scandals in history”. With this tweet in May 2018, President Donald Trump launched a new campaign to discredit the investigation into “Russiagate“, pointing his finger at the Obama administration, the Department of Justice and above all the FBI. Few took the President’s claim seriously: the allegation is that his campaign in 2016 was “spied upon” to compromise it. It remained an allegation at least until former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress and the closure of the investigation into Russiagate: from there we moved on to the next phase and all the attention was focused on the murky behaviour of the FBI
The economy: Trump's greatest asset,
Democrats' greatest liability
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 11:45:34 AM Post Reply
Democrats must approach President Trump’s economy the way porcupines approach romance: Very carefully. They must attack it, but their attacks risk making them more vulnerable. Yet, even if they try to ignore it, they know it will be turned against them. Their predicament goes beyond being “damned-if-you-do-and-damned-if-you-don’t,” to “damned if I know.” History shows no issue works like a good economy when it comes to an incumbent president’s reelection. Over the last century, elected presidents seeking a second term are 11-3. Of the three elected incumbents who lost reelection — Hoover, Carter and George H.W. Bush — the economy suffered negative annual growth within a year of that election.
In win for Trump, Democratic
Louisiana governor faces runoff
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 11:43:06 AM Post Reply
Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, will face a Republican candidate in a runoff after he failed to get more than 50 percent of the vote in Saturday's "jungle primary" in his GOP-friendly state. President Donald Trump rallied on Friday in the state to support the Republican candidates on the eve of the election, calling Edwards "a liberal Democrat who has sold you out." On Saturday the president tweeted his congratulations, predicting the state would soon have businessman Eddie Rispone as a new governor. (tweet) The jungle primary meant that instead of top candidates of each party facing off one-on-one, any number of candidates from any part
Schiff: 'Republicans would like nothing
better' than for impeachment inquiry
witnesses to coordinate testimony
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 11:39:30 AM Post Reply
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) defending conducting closed interviews as part of the House impeachment inquiry, suggesting House Republicans wanted public hearings so witnesses could coordinate their testimony. “The Republicans would like nothing better if witnesses could tailor their testimony to other witnesses,” Schiff told Margaret Brennan during an interview on CBS's "Face the Nation." He was responding to a question about GOP contentions that Democrats are selectively leaking information on their interviews. “We may very well call some of the same witnesses in public hearings as well, but we want to make sure we meet the needs of the investigation and not give the president or his legal
Himes: ‘All Transcripts’ in
Impeachment Inquiry
Will Be Made Public
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 11:37:06 AM Post Reply
On Sunday’s broadcast of ABC’s “This Week,” Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT), a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said “all transcripts” from the House’s impeachment inquiry will be made public. Jon Karl asked, “Congressman, why is this all happening behind closed doors? Why the secrecy? This is not a classified deposition. Why not do it out in the open?” Himes said, “First of all, all transcripts will be scrubbed for classified information and made available for the American public to see. There’s two reasons why these depositions are happening behind closed doors. One reason is when you’re talking to ambassadors and other U.S. government officials who have
Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Restricting
Rifle Purchases by Californians
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 11:34:01 AM Post Reply
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed legislation Friday to limit rifle purchases by Californians. The Sacramento Bee reports the legislation limiting rifle purchases was sponsored by Anthony Portantino (D-La Cañada Flintridge). The Bee also reports similar legislation was vetoed by Gov. Jerry Brown (D) on three different occasions. But Newsom signed it, thereby expanding California’s one-handgun-a-month rule to include long guns as well. In the signing the purchase limits, Newsom intimated he is still unsure about the number of guns Californians should be able to buy. He said: There’s a sense that if you feel like someone has a right to access something, you can restrict it but with certain limitations.
Billy Porter Confirms Fairy Godmother
Role in ‘Cinderella’ Movie
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 11:31:24 AM Post Reply
Actor and LGBTQ activist Billy Porter has confirmed that he will play the role of the Fairy Godmother in James Corden’s forthcoming live-action movie musical Cinderella. “I have a couple of movies that I’m working on,” Porter announced on the New Yorker‘s Instagram Stories. “I’m gonna be playing the fairy godmother in the new Cinderella movie with Camila Cabello.” E! News reports that the 22-year-old Cabello will play the role of Cinderella while also helping to write the film’s music. Porter and Cabello are currently the only two actors announced for the remake, which is described as a “modern re-imagining of the classic fairytale.”
Louisiana heads into November runoff for governor's
race between John Bel Edwards and Eddie Rispone
Posted by NorthernDog 10/13/2019 10:34:00 AM Post Reply
The next governor for Louisiana will have to be decided in November, with incumbent Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards falling shy of the 50% needed to win Saturday's "jungle" primary outright, according to The Associated Press. After being neck-and-neck for the last push of the race, businessman Eddie Rispone beat out U.S. Representative Ralph Abraham for the Republican spot in the runoff and secured the second-most amount of votes with about 28%of the vote. Rispone was able to escape a close and brutal primary with Abraham, where the two consistently clashed with each other on the debate stage and through
As Harry Reid Defines It:
Trump “A Very, Very Smart Man”
Posted by Cavallodifiero 10/13/2019 10:12:06 AM Post Reply
Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is spot-on in reminding rank and file Democrats that President Donald Trump is: “a very, very smart man who won’t be easily beaten in 2020”. Reid gets it while so many of his desperado Dem colleagues do not. Mercifully, the Democrats are never in listening mode even when it comes from someone in their own Party. “Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has a new assessment of President Donald Trump as “a very, very smart man” who won’t be easy for Democrats to defeat in the 2020 election. (CNN, Oct. 12, 2019) “I used to think that Donald Trump was not too smart.
Cub Foods stops selling vaporizers,
also asks customers to not
Posted by voxpopuli 10/13/2019 10:01:22 AM Post Reply
Cub Foods has announced they will stop selling E-cigarettes and vaporizers in their stores. They have also announced that they will ask customers to not open-carry in their stores with the exception of law enforcement officials. In a tweet announcing the policy, Cub Foods stated that they will stop selling E-cigarettes and vaporizers due to the increasing questions surrounding those products from the health community. Cub Foods went on to announce that while Minnesota is an open-carry state, they will ask customers to not open-carry in their stores due to customers concerns following the recent tragic events throughout the country.
Bill Gates' ties with Jeffrey Epstein
'strengthened AFTER the pedophile was
released from prison in 2011'–and he told
Gates Foundation employees that his crimes
were 'no worse than stealing a bagel'
Posted by Ribicon 10/13/2019 9:56:15 AM Post Reply
Bill Gates befriended Jeffrey Epstein after the pedophile—who hanged himself in a Manhattan jail cell in August—was convicted of sex crimes, according to a report. Gates, the second richest man in the world, has taken great pains to distance himself from Epstein since revelations about the financier's behavior with underage girls surfaced in recent months. The Microsoft co-founder told Axios last month that he 'wishes they never met' and insisted he had neither a 'business or personal relationship' with Epstein. But The New York Times is reporting that Gates and Epstein met numerous times beginning in 2011. In fact, Gates
Transgender comedienne and activist
Daphne Dorman, who was referenced in
Dave Chapelle's 'anti-trans' Netflix
special, has died by suicide
Posted by Ribicon 10/13/2019 9:39:31 AM Post Reply
Daphne Dorman, a transgender comedienne, activist and actress who inspired countless people with her strength, has died by suicide. On her Facebook page, Dorman posted her final post in an apparent suicide note saying goodbye to loved ones. She began her statement saying: 'I'm sorry.'(Snip) The Office of Transgender Initiatives in San Francisco, California, confirmed the news on their Twitter account. Dorman was a constant and persevering force for trans-rights. According to her LinkedIn, Dorman volunteered at the San Francisco LGBT Center as an instructor for Transcode, 'a series of classes aimed at training transgender members of our community
Hunter Biden Steps Down from Chinese
Board Amid Trump Attacks
Posted by Ladyhawke 10/13/2019 9:10:02 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden is stepping down from the board of a Chinese-backed private equity company and promising to forego all foreign work if his father, former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, is elected president in 2020. After months of keeping a relatively low-profile as President Donald Trump leveled a barrage of unsubstantiated accusations of corruption at him, the younger Biden is publicly vowing to avoid any conflict of interest.
An Invasive Fish That Can
Breathe and Move on Land
Has Been Found in Georgia
Posted by StormCnter 10/13/2019 8:29:09 AM Post Reply
The northern snakehead is a long, blotchy-patterned fish that can breathe on land and travel on the ground by wriggling its slippery body. But those might not be the species’ most nightmarish qualities. Snakeheads have a voracious appetit; they've been known to chow down not only on other fish, but also crustaceans, reptiles, mammals and small birds. They are invasive to the United States, threatening to displace native species and upset the balance of aquatic ecosystems. The fish have been reported in more than a dozen states across the nation and, as Christine Hauser reports for the New York Times, they have now been found
Beto O’Rourke Is Turning
Into a Human Straw
Man for Conservatives
Posted by StormCnter 10/13/2019 8:23:48 AM Post Reply
Given his low and static polling, it’s hard to tell what, exactly, Beto O’Rourke hopes to accomplish by staying in the presidential race. But while his actual goal seems a bit elusive, he is increasingly playing a very specific role: the human straw man, the embodiment of every seemingly irrational conservative fear about what the left really wants. Consider O’Rourke’s appearance at Thursday’s CNN town hall on LGBTQ issues, at which he told moderator Don Lemon that churches and other nonprofits should lose their tax exempt status if they oppose same-sex marriage, a position tantamount to declaring war on Catholic parishes and evangelical congregations across the country, not to mention
Report: Democrats Privately Urging
Pelosi to Hold Impeachment Inquiry Vote
Posted by earlybird 10/13/2019 8:00:10 AM Post Reply
Some House Democrats are privately calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to hold a vote to formalize the impeachment inquiry to undermine Republican criticism that the process is illegitimate, Politico reported this week. So far, Pelosi has refused to schedule a vote, arguing that the Constitution and House rules do not require the lawmakers to do so. Meanwhile, the White House and its Republican congressional allies contend that such a vote is necessary to legitimize the inquiry per the recognized standards of previous impeachment efforts.
Good Riddance to Shepard Smith replies
Posted by earlybird 10/13/2019 7:58:05 AM Post Reply
Shepard Smith was the worst thing on Fox News not because he was an anti-Trump leftist, but because he lied and lied and lied, claiming he was not. There are plenty of anti-Trump leftists on Fox News, and that’s a good thing. It is also to the eternal credit of Fox that, unlike its competition on the far left — CNN and MSNBC — Fox actually airs a legitimate diversity of opinions on the issues of the day, most especially President Trump. That was not Shepard Smith. No, rather than come out of the partisan closet,(Snip) he chose to hide like a coward behind a shield of objective truth,
The Democrat Impeachment Circus replies
Posted by earlybird 10/13/2019 7:53:52 AM Post Reply
House Democrats are taking to their fainting couches over the impeachment of President Trump. They’re underscoring the “seriousness” of their effort, speaking in hushed tones of a “constitutional crisis,” or raging about the need for the president to be “held accountable” and “order to be restored.” They do all of this, meanwhile, against a backdrop of an “impeachment inquiry” that effectively is tossing parliamentary order out the window, upending every impeachment precedent on the books. Even the New York Times has admitted that “Democrats are deviating in key ways from the way the House launched the two presidential impeachment inquiries of the modern era.”
The Last Desperate Effort to Protect
“The Chosen One” Will Likely Fail
(Perhaps by Design)…
Posted by earlybird 10/13/2019 7:33:41 AM Post Reply
Jonathan Turley asks a question today about why the media will not allow any discussion of Joe Biden’s obviously corrupt Achilles heel to be discussed. Within his article Turley cites examples of CNN, NBC, MSNBC and a host of other mainstream news outlets that will not allow any discussion of Joe Biden’s transparently visible weakness. He ponders ‘why’? (Snip)Biden is currently “The Chosen One”. That is to say Biden is the candidate chosen by the global power elite to protect their financial interests. (Snip) That is why the U.S. corporate media, part of the system that protects the interests of the Big Club, will not allow discussion of
UPDATE: Louisiana Governor Primary
Results Thread: John Bel Edwards -VS-
Abraham/Rispone Challenge
Posted by earlybird 10/13/2019 7:24:41 AM Post Reply
President Trump rallied last night in Louisiana to support a challenge to incumbent Democrat Governor John Bel Edwards. The goal is to hold JBE under 50% and force a run-off against a republican challenger. The national Democrats have made this race a referendum on the Trump impeachment agenda, saying if JBE can win in Louisiana then it proves Trump is weak enough to be impeached. Mr. Edwards has tried not to make this a national referendum. (Snip)UPDATE: Mission Accomplished. John Bel Edwards has been held under 50% and will face Republican businessman “Eddie” Rispone in a run-off to decide the governors race.
Pelosi under new pressure to hold an
impeachment inquiry vote next week
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 6:37:08 AM Post Reply
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi faces new pressure to hold a House vote on impeachment when lawmakers return to Congress next week. Progressive Democrats are ramping up demands for an official floor vote to open an impeachment inquiry now that President Trump has dared them to go on the record. "I think it's time for us to put a vote on the floor, a resolution for the inquiry structured in such a way that it can move forward with full power of the Congress behind it," Rep. John Garamendi of California told CNN this week.
'Are these people insane?':
Former Republican tells 2020
Democrats that 'LGBT town hall' helps Trump
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 6:35:19 AM Post Reply
Tom Nichols, a Never Trumper and professor at the U.S. Naval War College and at the Harvard Extension School, isn't so sure that 2020 Democrats' participation in CNN's recent LGBT town hall was the best idea if they want to defeat President Trump in the general election. In an op-ed for USA Today, Nichols addressed the Democratic Party and reminded them of a few moments from Thursday's televised event, including Beto O'Rourke's call to revoke the tax-exempt status of some religious institutions, Kamala Harris' exchange with host Chris Cuomo about personal pronouns, and Elizabeth Warren's quip after a question about traditional marriage.
Rubio hits Warren's
'crude' and 'vulgar' response
to opposition to same-sex marriage
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 6:31:28 AM Post Reply
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) criticized Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-Mass.) response to a town hall question about same-sex marriage earlier this week. On Warren's response, Rubio tweeted Saturday, "Vividly captures the condescension of elites & their incessant ridicule of Americans with traditional values. It elicits glee among celebrities & blue check brigade." "But for the millions sick of being disrespected it elicits support for fighting back, even in a crude or vulgar way," Rubio continued. Vividly captures the condescension of elites & their incessant ridicule of Americans with traditional values. It elicits glee among celebrities & blue check brigade.
Republicans wrestle with impeachment strategy replies
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 6:29:16 AM Post Reply
Senate Republicans realize they need to push back more aggressively on the fast-moving impeachment inquiry in the House, but they have yet to display a unified strategy. The disunity comes as public opinion polls show growing support for impeachment proceedings, giving more momentum to congressional Democrats almost three weeks after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced the inquiry. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is spearheading the GOP counteroffensive and plans to call President Trump’s personal lawyer,
The Clap Is Back replies
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 6:27:49 AM Post Reply
Rates of syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia infection have continued to rise, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Both total numbers of infections and per capita rates of the three STDs continued their more-or-less uninterrupted climb since the turn of the millennium. In total, rates of infection are at their highest level since the CDC began tracking chlamydia infections in 1984. Not all of this increase is attributable to an actual bump in the number of individuals infected. The CDC counts the number of positive tests reported to it by states, a figure which necessarily also increases as testing becomes more commonplace. Similar changes in the data can be caused by
Donald Trump Drives Home Urgency to End
‘Never Ending Wars’ in Emotional Speech
Posted by Imright 10/13/2019 6:25:07 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump spoke at length about the sense of urgency to move troops out of the Middle East on Saturday, defending his decision not to defend the Kurds from Turkish aggression in Syria.“These wars, they never end,” Trump said. “And we have to bring our great soldiers back from the never-ending wars.”The president spoke to his supporters at a Value Voter Summit in Washington, DC, acknowledging the difficulty of the ongoing conflict in Syria.Trump argued that the contested area in Syria was only about 22 miles of borderland in Turkey, and that the Kurds had been fighting the conflict for years.
Trump’s Foreign Policy Deals
Properly with Tyrants
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 6:22:05 AM Post Reply
Over at PJ Media, my friend Roger L. Simon makes some sage observations about the proper conduct of foreign policy among great powers in general and, in particular, about the behavior of President Trump with respect to this important arena of human endeavor. Roger’s first point has two parts, a strophe, as it were, and an antistrophe. The strophe involves a patent moral dimension. We should not conceal—from others or from ourselves—the moral caliber of the leaders with whom we deal. Besides the United States, the world’s only other colossus is China. Not only does it preside over the second largest economy in the world, it is also
Today's liberals are not
Progressives, but Regressives
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 6:19:24 AM Post Reply
The time between 1890 and 1920 was known as the Progressive Era. It was a time when Americans demanded responses to a number of economic and social problems. These problems were brought about by the transformative Industrial Revolution (I.R.). The I.R. propelled the U.S. to have the world's largest and most prosperous economy. It was remarkable, since the U.S. went from the birth of the nation to the most prosperous in less than 150 years. Other countries were hundreds or even thousands of years older. But with the prosperity and a much higher quality standard of living came some economic and social problems.
Elizabeth Warren mocks Christian
men, delights Democrat base
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 6:18:18 AM Post Reply
There is no logical defense of redefining marriage to accommodate the 2% of Americans who are gay. They are generally massively promiscuous and hardly ever have long-term monogamous relationships. But by redefining marriage, the dishonest judges on the Supreme Court have put society's imprimatur on the massively promiscuous, objectifying, and decidedly unhealthy gay lifestyle. When thrown a softball question on this by someone who appears to be a significant donor to her campaign, but who was billed as just some random person, Elizabeth Warren vilified all Christian men.
Project Veritas announces major
undercover exposé of CNN next week
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 6:16:49 AM Post Reply
Project Veritas, the activist conservative group credited with taking down ACORN and dealing significant blows to other leftist groups, thanks to its undercover videos, is promising to release its next exposé and it looks like it will be a blockbuster. At the end of his speech to the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C.on Oct. 12, James O’Keefe, Project Veritas’s founder, announced what “may be the biggest story Project Veritas has ever broke.” An insider at CNN has come forward, O’Keefe said, having covertly recorded videos for months that promise to reveal what CNN has really been doing to – essentially – spin and fake the news
Fox News pollster Braun Research
misrepresented impeachment poll: analysis
Posted by Imright 10/13/2019 6:16:15 AM Post Reply
The poll released last week by Fox News that claimed most Americans favor the impeachment of President Trump underrepresented Republican and independent voters, The Post has found.The poll said 51% of voters were in favor of Trump’s impeachment and removal from office, while 40% did not want him impeached.Princeton, New Jersey, pollster Braun Research, which conducted the survey, noted 48% of its respondents were Democrats. But the actual breakdown of party-affiliation is 31% Democrat, 29% Republican and 38% independent, according to Gallup.A poll weighted for party affiliation would have concluded that 44.9% favored impeachment and 44.4% opposed it,
Trump, Ukraine, and Justice replies
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 6:14:59 AM Post Reply
Even if we assume the worst, Trump did nothing wrong in Ukraine, and nothing more than his duty. Applying pressure on Ukraine to investigate whether a past vice president of the United States engaged in a corrupt bargain that that would potentially have been an impeachable offense is the constitutional duty of anyone who has sworn to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States. The United States Constitution works on the energy of “ambition made to counter ambition” as James Madison succinctly put it in the Federalist Papers. This is how freedom works. Just as party ambition has spurred
The New Political Matrix replies
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 6:13:51 AM Post Reply
Civil war in Syria. China’s authoritarian ambition. Russian chicanery. Iranian proxies interfering with the international fuel supply. Most global threats facing America are relatively straightforward: they’re country-based, tangible dangers to U.S.-enforced global stability. The bad actors are clear enough: Putin, Erdogan, Jinping, Khamenei. The weapons are conventional: guns, bombs, drones, shackles, concentration camps, Facebook memes. The values at stake are classical: human rights, commercial freedom, the integral dignity of all mankind. That current threats are easy to identify doesn’t make them simple to solve. But, for students of the history of warfare, they aren’t de novo. The one exception are the digital didos of Muscovite
Producers of the Flailing
Impeachment Inquiry
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 6:12:07 AM Post Reply
Believing Adam Schiff’s lies and calling for an “impeachment inquiry” has to be one of the worst blunders of Speaker Pelosi’s career. The whistleblower tale has crumbled and the backup witnesses the Democrats are relying on only confirm the Deep State bureaucrats and Democrats believe that they, not the elected president, have a lock on executive powers. In fact, the ploy boomeranged and the spotlight is now on the Democrats’ White Hope, Joe Biden. Despite the media downplaying Biden’s actions, there is more to come of his and his party’s corruption.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom
Signs Bill Forcing Public Universities
to Dispense Abortion Drugs
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 6:10:27 AM Post Reply
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed a bill into law that requires public colleges and universities in the state to distribute abortion drugs, effectively turning the schools into first-trimester abortion clinics. On Friday, Newsom signed SB 24, which was championed in the State Senate by Sen. Connie Leyva (D) as a reproductive rights issue. “With Governor Newsom’s signature of SB 24, students at University of California and California State University campuses will finally be able to get medication abortion services at on-campus student health centers,” Leyva said in a statement, adding:
Jim Jordan: Why Is Pelosi
‘Scared to Have a Vote to
Open an Official Impeachment Inquiry?’
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 6:08:01 AM Post Reply
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) on Saturday posed a series of questions to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) regarding the partisan-fueled impeachment inquiry, asking why she is “scared to have a vote to open an official impeachment inquiry.” Pelosi told impeachment-hungry Democrats over the summer that they needed to wait and “follow the facts” before pursuing impeachment. “We do believe that it’s important to follow the facts. We believe that no one is above the law, including the president of the United States. And we believe the president of the United States is engaged in a cover-up,”
Elizabeth Warren mocks Christian men,
delights Democrat base
Posted by Imright 10/13/2019 6:07:27 AM Post Reply
There is no logical defense of redefining marriage to accommodate the 2% of Americans who are gay. They are generally massively promiscuous and hardly ever have long-term monogamous relationships.But by redefining marriage, the dishonest judges on the Supreme Court have put society's imprimatur on the massively promiscuous, objectifying, and decidedly unhealthy gay lifestyle.When thrown a softball question on this by someone who appears to be a significant donor to her campaign, but who was billed as just some random person, Elizabeth Warren vilified all Christian men.The question was "Senator, I am old-fashioned, and my faith teaches me that marriage is between one man and one woman.
Kevin McCarthy: Democrats,
‘Stop Wasting Time’
on Impeachment, ‘Tackle’ Opioid Crisis
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 6:06:24 AM Post Reply
House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said Saturday that Democrats should “stop wasting time” on impeachment, and “tackle” real issues such as the opioid crisis. House Minority Leader McCarthy slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and other Democrats that have distracted Congress from addressing “real” issues such as the opioid crisis. McCarthy said that, despite a reduction in opioid abuse and overdose deaths, it is not enough to sufficiently address the issue.
Donald Trump to Value Voters:
‘They’re Coming After Me Because
I’m Fighting for You’
Posted by M2 10/13/2019 6:04:43 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump rallied supporters on Saturday during a speech to Value Voters, as the Democrat-led impeachment inquiry continued. “They’re coming after me because I’m fighting for you,” Trump said. The president spoke to religious conservatives at the Value Voters Summit in Washington, DC, hosted by the Family Research Council. He appeared shocked that Democrats began an impeachment inquiry over a simple phone call with Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky, when he said that the president himself said that he did not feel pressured by Trump.
165 aborted fetuses found in trunk
of late Indiana abortion doctor's car
Posted by Imright 10/13/2019 5:52:37 AM Post Reply
FORT WAYNE — Remains from 165 additional aborted fetuses were found in the trunk of a car belonging to an abortion doctor who died back in September.The remains were found in Illinois while members of the Will County, Illinois Sheriff's Office were searching property and vehicles owned by Ulrich Klopfer.The 79-year-old died on September 3 and the first thousands of remains were located shortly after his death by family members who were sorting his belongings.On October 2, Attorney General Curtis Hill oversaw the transportation of 2,246 of those aborted fetuses back to Indiana.
May We Never Stop
Being in Awe of Simone Biles
Posted by StormCnter 10/13/2019 5:38:32 AM Post Reply
Normally, Simone Biles ends her floor exercise routine with her right hand on her chest, her left up in the air, as her music comes to a close. But during Thursday’s all-around competition, she changed it up. Instead of her normal pose, she dropped the mic to finish off her set. She didn’t need to wait for the score. Biles—and everyone else—knew that she had just locked in her fifth world all-around title, breaking records as she did it. Biles, who grew up in Spring, had won the title by just over two points, the highest margin of victory under the post-10 scoring system.
It’s Good To Be A Democrat replies
Posted by Pluperfect 10/13/2019 5:18:13 AM Post Reply
Imagine a world free of consequences. More than that, a world where your bad acts are largely ignored and where those that aren’t are absolved, where excuses are created and lies are told by others on your behalf. This is how so-called journalists treat their fellow Democrats. Elizabeth Warren straight-up lied about being a Native American. She did it to get jobs, high-paying jobs. When someone finally got around to noticing that she’s so white her camouflage in a snowstorm is nudity, her story fell apart. But it didn’t matter. The media made sure to protect her, downplaying her 1/1024th rounding error percentage of possible Native American DNA.
He who must not be named: How Hunter
Biden became a conversation-stopper
Posted by Pluperfect 10/13/2019 5:13:41 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden: The mere mention of his name seemingly triggers the vapors among cable TV hosts and their guests. When President Trump turned to the Bidens and Ukraine in a speech, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace cut off the coverage, declaring she had to protect the listeners: “We hate to do this, really, but the president isn't telling the truth.” When Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) tried to answer a question about the Ukraine scandal by referencing the Bidens, “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd angrily told him not to “gaslight” the nation. The Bidens, simply, are not what well-bred people discuss in polite company, apparently. Indeed, many journalists seem to be channeling
The case for identifying the whistleblower replies
Posted by MissMolly 10/13/2019 5:01:45 AM Post Reply
The identity of the person who filed the intelligence community whistleblower complaint that sparked the drive to impeach President Trump remains a secret. Democrats leading the impeachment campaign say his or her identity (for brevity, the whistleblower will hereafter be referred to as "he") must remain closely guarded. Advocates of whistleblower laws, such as Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, agree. The New York Times came under heavy criticism when it reported that the whistleblower is a CIA officer. "Any decision to report any perceived identifying information of the whistleblower is deeply concerning and reckless, as it can place the individual in harm's way," Andrew Bakaj, the whistleblower's lawyer, told the Times.
The Rhine Flows Into the Amazon replies
Posted by MissMolly 10/13/2019 4:49:47 AM Post Reply
Pope Francis spent a brief period of his Jesuit formation in Germany. He was sent there to get a doctorate in theology, but, finding the work tedious and feeling homesick, he returned to Buenos Aires. He once told a fellow Jesuit that studying “fundamental theology” is “boring” — a bizarre attitude for a churchman that explains his intellectually slipshod pronouncements. Not that Francis doesn’t revere German theologians. He does, exceedingly so, particularly heretical ones. During the conclave that elected him, he stayed in a room across from Walter Kasper, the German cardinal famous for his project to liberalize and Protestantize the Church from top to bottom. Jorge Bergoglio
Trump Bounces Back replies
Posted by MissMolly 10/13/2019 4:43:22 AM Post Reply
I wrote here and here that, although the Democrats’ impeachment claims are frivolous, they have hurt President Trump in the polls. Trump’s history is that he tends to rise in the polls until a negative news cycle hits–which happens often–and then he will drop back down. In the latter post, I noted that before the impeachment frenzy struck, Trump had been rising in the Rasmussen survey. He was at 53% approval among likely voters as of September 24, a number that if maintained suggests a clear path to re-election. The coupling of the words “Trump” and “impeachment” in newspaper headlines–the real purpose of the Democrats’ impeachment drive–drove
Inside the media’s relentless
crusade to destroy President Trump
Posted by Pluperfect 10/13/2019 4:38:49 AM Post Reply
Last week The Washington Post revealed the alarming news that House Democrats were considering having their anonymous “whistleblower” testify from a remote location, and in disguise. Just as shocking as the details of this plan was the justification the Post ladled on this Democratic effort to hide impeachment information from the public. It explained, high up in the story, that the cloak-and-dagger approach was merely Democrats expressing “distrust of their GOP colleagues, whom they see as fully invested in defending a president who has attacked the whistleblower’s credibility and demanded absolute loyalty from Republicans.” This, from a newspaper with a tagline of “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” Maybe the better journalistic epitaph is:
Democrats Are Going to Regret Beto’s
Stance on Conservative Churches
Posted by Pluperfect 10/13/2019 4:33:51 AM Post Reply
The issue of gay rights and recognition and acceptance of the LGBTQ community has moved at warp speed—in political terms anyway—this past decade. “I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage,” said the candidate Barack Obama in 2008. At Thursday night’s nationally televised forum on LGBTQ rights, candidate Beto O’Rourke showed how far, and how quickly, the Democratic Party has moved. The former Texas congressman caused quite a stir when he said he would support revoking the tax-exempt status of religious institutions—colleges, churches, and charities—if they opposed same-sex marriage.
California Democratic Party paid
$380,000 to settle sexual misconduct
suit against former chair Bauman
Posted by Pluperfect 10/13/2019 4:29:36 AM Post Reply
The California Democratic Party has spent more than $800,000 on legal costs stemming from three lawsuits alleging discrimination and sexual misconduct by former chair Eric Bauman. The sum includes more than $430,000 in attorney’s fees alone, including payments to law firms representing Bauman. According to a Times review of state and federal campaign finance filings, the state party has paid $378,348 in legal settlements to Alton Wang, William Rodriguez-Kennedy and Kate Earley. The trio originally filed suit in January, alleging a culture of harassment and sexual misconduct that was “well-known and apparently tolerated” by top officials.
NY Times columnist admits there’s
an anti-Trump Deep State – But
claims members are the good guys
Posted by Pluperfect 10/13/2019 4:23:05 AM Post Reply
“There is no Deep State!” That’s been the anti-Trump media argument ever since President Trump took office and his administration started leaking like a cheese grater. Lots of major news organizations made the claim, interviewing supposed insiders – from CNN to The New Yorker and The Nation. New Yorker Editor David Remnick rationalized the pushback against Trump in 2017: “The problem in Washington is not a Deep State; the problem is a shallow man – an untruthful, vain, vindictive, alarmingly erratic President.”
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