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Posts on Monday, July 29, 2019

Joe diGenova: “Declassified documents
will be released this week … by Wednesday”
(July 31st)….
Posted by earlybird 7/29/2019 10:59:29 PM Post Reply
Speaking to WMAL radio, former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova informs the audience that declassified documents will begin to be made public starting Wednesday July 31st. Additionally, Mr. diGenova states confidently that U.S. Attorney John Durham is not conducting a “review”, but is conducting a full criminal investigation with a grand jury empaneled and currently receiving testimony from witnesses.(Snip)(Video) Obviously Joe diGenova is making a very specific statement with measurable and specific action to come on very specific day. Good news !! On May 23rd, 2019, President Trump gave AG Bill Barr unilateral authority to declassify documents. A month later, against the backdrop of more evidence surfacing
Yikes – Two Somali Refugees Arrested
for Conspiring to Provide Material
Support to ISIS…
Posted by earlybird 7/29/2019 10:56:31 PM Post Reply
(VIA DOJ) John Demers, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, Michael Bailey, the United States Attorney for the District of Arizona, Michael McGarrity, Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, and Sean Kaul, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Phoenix Field Office, announced that on July 26, Ahmed Mahad Mohamed and Abdi Yemani Hussein, were arrested for conspiring to provide material support and resources to ISIS, a designated foreign terrorist organization. According to the criminal complaint, the defendants had been in communication with an FBI undercover employee whom they believed was a supporter of ISIS ideology. These communications revealed the defendants’ desire
BOOM: James Comey is Under Investigation –
John Huber Investigating Comey Memos –
Memos Possibly to be Released This
Posted by earlybird 7/29/2019 10:52:13 PM Post Reply
Jumpin’ ju-ju bones, there’s big news in here. (Snip) Former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker appeared on Fox News to discuss the replacement of Dan Coats with John Ratcliffe as head of the ODNI, and the current status of AG Bill Barr’s ongoing reviews into prior DOJ and FBI (mis)conduct. Whitaker posits the placement of Ratcliffe as looking at the aggregate intelligence apparatus and seeing if there “are systemic issues and failures for how the investigation were kicked-off”; (Snip) Additionally Whitaker summarizes U.S. Attorney John Durham as focused on the origin of the intelligence operation against candidate Trump and “prosecuting anyone that needs to be prosecuted“.
Sex and the City writer Candace
Bushnell, 60, admits she regrets
choosing a career over having
children as she is now 'truly alone'
Posted by Ribicon 7/29/2019 9:56:02 PM Post Reply
Her best-selling book and the racy TV series it inspired taught a generation of women that they could ‘have it all’. But Sex and the City creator Candace Bushnell, 60, has admitted that she regrets choosing a career over having children as she is now ‘truly alone’. The TV series starred Sarah Jessica Parker as a writer in New York who famously chooses her independence over motherhood.(Snip) The former sex columnist, who is worth around £18million, told the Sunday Times: ‘When I was in my thirties and forties, I didn’t think about it. ‘Then when I got divorced and I was in my fifties,
Revealed: The secretive Catholic group
operating in a small Michigan town that
gives shelter, legal help to protect
hundreds of priests accused of sexual
abuse, saying 'we turn no priest away'
Posted by Ribicon 7/29/2019 9:45:22 PM Post Reply
For nearly two decades, a secretive Catholic group operating out of a small Michigan town has reportedly served as a 'rapid-response' team to protect hundreds of priests accused of sexual abuse. The small nonprofit group, Opus Bono Sacerdotii, would reportedly work out of a series of unmarked buildings in rural Michigan, providing money, shelter, transport, legal help and other support to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Catholic priests accused of sexual abuse across the country. Stripped of their collars and cassocks, they went unnoticed in the small town of Dryden as they were escorted into a dingy warehouse across from an elementary school playground,
Black Pastor Says It’s ‘Hard To
Believe’ That Trump Is Racist After
Meeting With Him
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 8:48:41 PM Post Reply
Reverend Bill Owens said Monday that he finds it “hard to believe” that President Donald Trump is racist after attending a meeting at the White House with other “inner city pastors.” Trump revealed on Twitter that he would be meeting with the pastors, an event that was not initially on the president’s schedule. It is unclear if the event was added after critics accused the president of racism for tweeting that Baltimore, MD is infested with rats, and is a place that “no human being” would want to live. Owens claimed that the event was scheduled over a week ago and that it was not meant to be damage control.
Trump Grants Full Pardons
To 5 People
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 8:44:41 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump granted full pardons Monday to five individuals previously involved in offenses like transporting marijuana and drug-trafficking. The president decided John Richard Bubala, Roy Wayne McKeever, Rodney Takumi, Michael Tedesco and Chalmer Lee Williams were worthy of Executive Grants of Clemency after “a careful review of the files” of each individual, according to an official statement from the Office of the Press Secretary. John Richard Bubala -Bubala pleaded guilty to improper use of federal government property in 1990 in an effort to transport automotive equipment
Kamala Harris, AOC partnering
on climate-justice bill
Posted by NorthernDog 7/29/2019 8:02:03 PM Post Reply
Sen. Kamala Harris and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez disclosed a proposed bill Monday that seeks to protect low-income communities from the dangers posed by climate change. Titled the Climate Equity Act, the plan would establish an independent Office of Climate and Environmental Justice Accountability that would score all new environmental regulations for their impact on low-income communities. Harris, who is seeking the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, announced the legislation Monday, two days before she is scheduled to appear at the party’s second primary debate this year, in Detroit. In a statement, Harris added that “climate change is an existential threat
4 ideas Democrats running for president
have embraced that could end America
as we know it
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 7:57:00 PM Post Reply
There is no shortage of extremely bad ideas that have been embraced by some or all in the Democratic field. Reparations, guaranteed income, guaranteed jobs, paying off student loan debt, a $20 minimum wage, Medicare for all – it just goes on and on. However, even though it’s extremely early in the presidential primary process, we are already seeing candidates embracing the idea that our country may not be able to survive long-term.1) The Green New Deal: Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Kristin Gillibrand are co-sponsors of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal,
It’s Not Just Straws: Trump Campaign
Merchandise Trolls Adam Schiff, Russian
Collusion Conspiracy Theorists
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 7:25:53 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign isn’t just trolling the Left with plastic straws, it is also selling merchandise aimed at those who have accused the president of colluding with Russia.(Video) The Daily Wire has reported previously that the Trump campaign is selling plastic straws that bear the candidate’s name. The idea was sparked by campaign manager Brad Parscale, whose paper straw ripped just as he had boarded a flight to Florida. He tweeted his frustration
McConnell condemns 'modern-day McCarthyism
' 'feckless' Obama policies, after pundits call
him 'Russian asset'
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 7:21:20 PM Post Reply
In unusually forceful, angry, and personal terms, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Monday countered what he called "baseless smears" from left-wing media and vowed not to be "intimidated," in the wake of a Washington Post op-ed that declared McConnell a "Russian asset."That op-ed was written by columnist Dana Milbank, whom McConnell bluntly suggested was one of several "hyperventilating hacks" who conveniently had ignored former President Obama's "feckless" Russia policies.Milbank had argued that McConnell's opposition to several election-security bills proposed by Democrats effectively made him an unwitting Russian agent, and other pundits quickly echoed
New rules for 2nd debate: No 1-word
answers or show of hands
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 7:15:36 PM Post Reply
NEW YORK—Raise your hand if you can think of some different ways CNN will approach the second Democratic presidential debate, which will unfold over two nights in Detroit on Tuesday and Wednesday. That’s a hint. CNN pledges not to ask questions that require a show of hands by the politicians and will not ask them to confine answers to a one-word “yes” or “no.” NBC News moderator Chuck Todd tried both of these last month for the first debate for the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates.“Invariably a question can be open for interpretation,” said Sam Feist, CNN’s Washington bureau chief. “Trying to simplify a question into a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer
Rob Reiner Says All Trump
Supporters are Racist
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 7:07:40 PM Post Reply
Filmmaker and left-wing activist Rob Reiner has declared that all supporters of President Donald Trump are racist, claiming that Trump has made it “abundantly clear” his re-election [campaign] is based on white nationalism.Posting on his Twitter feed, which is almost entirely dedicated to attacking Trump and the current administration, Reiner explained that voting for Trump means there is no distinction between “being a racist and a racist enabler.“The President of the United States is a racist. He’s made it abundantly clear his re-election is based on white nationalism,” Reiner said.
Mike Pompeo confirms he's
interested in presidential run
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 6:14:04 PM Post Reply
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is open to running for president after his boss leaves office, the top U.S. diplomat confirmed. “America has given me an awful lot,” Pompeo said Monday in Washington. “And if I thought I could do a good turn, there's nothing I wouldn't consider doing for America.” Pompeo’s future has become a topic of keen interest for political insiders in recent months. A former House backbencher from Kansas, his tenure in President Trump’s administration — first as CIA director, now as secretary of state — has made him one of the most visible American leaders in the world.
DOS AND DON'TS Meghan Markle and
Prince Harry’s neighbours issued with
list banning them from talking to royals
or asking to see baby Archie
Posted by earlybird 7/29/2019 6:00:41 PM Post Reply
HARRY and Meghan’s neighbours have been warned by royal flunkies not to talk to the couple or ask to see baby Archie. They must even avoid stroking the pair’s dogs should they bound over.The astonishing “do and don’t commandments” were issued at a residents’ meeting. One local said: “It would be funny if it wasn’t so over the top.” Narked neighbours ordered not to talk to Harry and Meghan said last night: “Even the Queen doesn’t demand this.” Flunkies issued the list of dos and don’ts for people living near the couple’s new Frogmore Cottage home on the Windsor estate.
Mulvaney: If Trump Could Pass Spending
Bills, Federal Budget Would Be on
Path to Balance
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 5:55:28 PM Post Reply
Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney told “Fox News Sunday” that if President Donald Trump could pass spending bills, the federal budget would be on the path to being balanced and the deficit would be down.“The Senate votes this week on a bill that would extend spending limits and also extend the debt limit into 2021. This is what the bill would do. It raises spending by $324 billion over spending caps, and runs out the clock on sequestration. No more forced spending cuts. Question, does the president want the Senate to pass it and if it does, will he sign this bill?”
Joy Behar: 'It's outrageous and stupid
to call a black person a racist'
Posted by Ribicon 7/29/2019 5:43:18 PM Post Reply
“The View” co-host Joy Behar declared Monday that it’s “outrageous and stupid” to call a black person racist as President Trump did over the weekend with Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings. “Elijah is the black man,” Ms. Behar said on the show, according to a clip published by the Washington Examiner. “He’s calling the black man the racist. I mean, I don’t think people understand that particularly. It’s outrageous and stupid to call a black person a racist.” Ms. Behar’s comments were referring to Mr. Trump’s weekend tweetstorm attacking “racist” Mr. Cummings and the city of Baltimore after the congressman blasted the conditions of U.S. migrant detention
Black lawmakers to boycott
Trump's Jamestown visit
Posted by Ribicon 7/29/2019 5:43:11 PM Post Reply
Richmond, Va.—Virginia’s black state lawmakers announced Monday they will boycott an event this week commemorating the beginnings of American democracy because President Donald Trump is scheduled to attend. The Virginia Legislative Black Caucus said its members would not attend a ceremony in Jamestown on Tuesday marking the 400th anniversary of the first representative assembly in the Western Hemisphere. “The commemoration of the birth of this nation and its democracy will be tarnished unduly with the participation of the President, who continues to make degrading comments toward minority leaders, promulgate policies that harm marginalized communities, and use racist and xenophobic rhetoric,”
Limbaugh Praises Trump’s Baltimore Tweets:
‘About Time Somebody Pushed Back’
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 5:41:44 PM Post Reply
Monday on “Fox & Friends,” conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh sounded off on President Donald Trump’s remarks about Baltimore and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD).Trump’s criticisms of the two received backlash from Democrats and the media as being racially charged, but Limbaugh defended the president for speaking the “absolute truth” about a city ruined under Democrat control.The host questioned why Democrats can be critical of Trump, but he cannot push back against something controlled by Democrats.“There’s certain things you’re not supposed to say,” Limbaugh stated.
Baltimore Homicides on Track to
Top 300 for 5th Consecutive Year
Posted by Ribicon 7/29/2019 5:29:20 PM Post Reply
Baltimore homicides exceeded 300 each year from 2015 through 2018, and 2019 is on track to cross the 300 threshold for the fifth year in a row. A 2016 report from the Baltimore Sun showed 344 homicides for the year 2015. A homicides counter maintained by the Sun shows 318 for 2016, 342 for 2017, and 309 for 2018. USA Today reported that the 342 Baltimore homicides in 2017 represented a “homicide rate of 56 per 100,000 people.” The homicide rate in Chicago was less than half of that, at “24 per 100,000.” As of July 28, the Sun’s counter shows 191 Baltimore homicides for 2019,
Melinda Katz declared recount winner
as Queens DA fight heads to court
Posted by Ribicon 7/29/2019 5:15:52 PM Post Reply
Katz is back! The New York City Board of Elections declared Monday that Queens Borough President Melinda Katz narrowly topped her Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez-backed challenger, Tiffany Cabán, in the Democratic primary to become the county’s next district attorney by a margin of just 60 votes. But the fight for the party’s nomination will continue Wednesday in Queens Supreme Court, where public defender Cabán plans to argue the BOE improperly excluded hundreds of ballots that could once again tip the scales in her favor.(Snip) The winner of the Democratic contest will become the heavy favorite to win the job in the November general election
Lesbian asylum seeker claims she was
gang-raped and left fearing for her
life after being sent back to Uganda
six years ago when British officials
caught her in bed with a man
Posted by Ribicon 7/29/2019 4:58:56 PM Post Reply
A lesbian asylum seeker kicked out of the UK because she was caught in bed with a man will today return to Britain with her baby son she claims was conceived after being gang-raped in her native Uganda. The 26-year-old came to the country in 2010, aged 17, and stayed beyond her visa because she was fearful her uncle would kill her because of her sexuality.(Snip) But, six years on, the High Court has ruled she must be brought back because she was unlawfully detained and deported without being given the chance to prove she had relationships with women in Uganda.
Purity Expert Josh Harris Announces 'I am Not
a Christian,' Apologizes to LGBT Community
Posted by NorthernDog 7/29/2019 4:23:08 PM Post Reply
A leader in the Christian purity movement has announced he is "falling away" from Christianity and says he regrets his teachings on dating and sexuality. Joshua Harris, who first came to notice when he wrote I Kissed Dating Goodbye as a 21-year-old, also shared that he and his wife, Shannon, are splitting up and "will continue our life together as friends." "I have undergone a massive shift in regard to my faith in Jesus," Harris wrote Friday in an Instagram post. "The popular phrase for this is 'deconstruction,' the biblical phrase is 'falling away'. By all the measurements that I
Another tourist injured by bison at a national
park; second such incident in a week
Posted by NorthernDog 7/29/2019 3:58:56 PM Post Reply
MEDORA, N.D. — A teenage visitor to a national park in North Dakota has been injured by a bison. Officials at Theodore Roosevelt National Park say the 17-year-old girl from Colorado was on a trail Saturday and walked between two bull bison that had been fighting. One bison charged the teen who was struck in the back, gored in the thigh and tossed about six feet in the air. Park rangers and Billings County paramedics treated the girl at the scene until the victim could be taken by helicopter to a Bismarck hospital. Authorities say the teen is in stable condition.
Girls three times more likely to be
victims of cyberbullying at school: survey
Posted by Ribicon 7/29/2019 2:44:25 PM Post Reply
Seattle—Rachel Whalen remembers feeling gutted in high school when a former friend would mock her online postings, threaten to unfollow or unfriend her on social media and post inside jokes about her to others online. The cyberbullying was so distressing that Whalen said she contemplated suicide. Once she got help, she decided to limit her time on social media. It helps to take a break from it for perspective, said Whalen, now a 19-year-old college student in Utah. There’s a rise in cyberbullying nationwide, with three times as many girls reporting being harassed online or by text message than boys,
Boy dies after he and mother are
pushed on train tracks in Germany
Posted by Ribicon 7/29/2019 2:27:32 PM Post Reply
An eight-year-old boy has died after he and his mother were deliberately pushed on to train tracks at Frankfurt’s main railway station, German police have said. The boy was hit by a high-speed ICE train and killed instantly. His mother was able to roll into a safe gap between two platforms and escaped injury. The suspect was chased through the station by passengers who tackled him to the ground.(Snip) Police said the suspect is believed to be from Eritrea. He was being held in police custody on Monday but his possible motive remained unclear. The alleged perpetrator
Teen Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg to
shun plane for sailboat as she heads to summits
Posted by NorthernDog 7/29/2019 1:35:43 PM Post Reply
Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager whose social media-savvy brand of eco-activism has inspired tens of thousands of students in Europe to skip classes and protest for faster action against climate change, said Monday that she plans to take her message to America the old-fashioned way: by boat. The 16-year-old tweeted that she’ll sail across the Atlantic aboard a high-tech racing yacht, leaving Britain next month to attend U.N. climate summits in New York in September and Santiago, Chile, in December. Thunberg told The Associated Press ahead of her announcement that she spent months trying to figure out how to travel
2018 video shows Baltimore mayor doing
a city walkthrough: ‘Whew, Jesus.
you can smell the rats’
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 1:11:55 PM Post Reply
As the left’s hysteria rages over President Donald Trump’s comments on the “very dangerous and filthy” city of Baltimore, a viral video has resurfaced of the city’s former mayor walking through that exact environment. A video of the walk-through of Baltimore streets by former Democrat Mayor Catherine Pugh last year resurfaced even as the liberal media and politicians have accused the president of racism for calling out the city as a “rat and rodent infested mess.” FLASHBACK: Fox 45 news report in September 2018 with Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh: Mayor Pugh:
John Brennan Calls DNI Pick John
Ratcliffe a ‘Servile Trump Loyalist’
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 1:06:11 PM Post Reply
Former CIA Director John Brennan appears none-too-happy with President Donald Trump’s selection for the next Director of National Intelligence (DNI), calling Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) a “servile Trump loyalist.” “Dan Coats served ably & with deep integrity. Ratcliffe showed abject subservience to Trump in Mueller hearings,” Brennan wrote on Twitter Monday. “The women & men in the Intelligence Community deserve a leader like Coats who puts nation first; not a servile Trump loyalist like Ratcliffe.” (Tweet)
Watch: Trump Gives Emotional Speech
Before Signing The 9/11 Victim
Compensation Fund
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 1:02:54 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump signed legislation on Monday ensuring that the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund remains solvent through 2092, thereby virtually ensuring permanent financial support for first responders and their families.(Video) "We’re gathered at the White House to honor our solemn duty to America’s best, bravest, and finest," Trump said during the signing ceremony in the White House Rose Garden. "In the wake of the September 11th attacks, courageous Americans raced into smoke, fire, and debris
Ratcliffe to fix the Deep State subversion
of equal protection under the law
Posted by BigAlPeoplesPal 7/29/2019 12:51:40 PM Post Reply
Sunday, President Donald Trump announced that Texas GOP Rep. John Ratcliffe is his nominee to replace Dan Coats as Director of National Intelligence (DNI). It is a significant development following Ratcliffe’s devastating questioning of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller last Wednesday. That verbal confrontation proved a contrast in Republican mindsets. Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller is the bumbling, ineffectual, swampy Washington Republican whose stellar reputation among the media is commensurate with his usefulness in supporting false Democrat narratives.
Baltimore Burning: It's Not A
Matter Of Money. We Tried That
Posted by earlybird 7/29/2019 12:44:08 PM Post Reply
With the surety of night following day, the Baltimore riots have been followed by calls for more government spending to fight poverty in our distressed inner cities. President Barack Obama says "massive investments in urban communities" could "make a difference right now." Representative Elijah Cummings, who represents Maryland in Congress, says, "We have to invest in our cities and our children." And House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, who also represents the state, says, "But we're going to have to as a country invest if we're going to have the kinds of communities we want." But the idea that we haven't been "investing" in Baltimore is nonsense.
Parents reveal BOTH of their children
are transgender after they decided to
transition aged five and seven—and
insist they're happier than ever
Posted by Ribicon 7/29/2019 12:43:28 PM Post Reply
The parents of two transgender children have told how they supported them unconditionally, after they both decided to transition to the opposite sex from an early age. Ben Faryna and Sara Kaplan, from Berkeley, California, welcomed a biological daughter and then a biological son, to their family. But at the age of eight, James Kaplan, now 11, who was born a biological girl, realised he had to transition from female to male. And just a few years later Olivia Kaplan, now 7, who was biologically born a boy, realised at 4 that she wanted to transition from male to female.
There Is No Safe Space: We Are All
Listening at Each Other's Keyholes
Posted by Hazymac 7/29/2019 11:44:34 AM Post Reply
One of the most common problems with public discourse is the proliferation of noise in the sense of "signals that are random (unpredictable) and carry no useful information." Noise in the news cycle now threatens to drown out everything else. When Donald Trump called Baltimore “a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess,” CNN anchor Victor Blackwell described it as insulting. Baltimore mayor Bernard C. Jack Young argued that the observation itself was simply illegitimate. "It’s completely unacceptable for the political leader of our country to denigrate a vibrant American City like Baltimore, and to viciously attack U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings
Trump is right – Baltimore mistreated
by elected Dems, residents deserve better
Posted by Harlowe 7/29/2019 11:02:03 AM Post Reply
I feel great sympathy for the plight of the impoverished citizens of Maryland’s 7th Congressional District. For decades the Democrats have promised them jobs, good schools and safe communities. Residents waited patiently for the Promised Land, only to discover the Democrats’ policies had turned their congressional district into a dystopian wasteland. The people of Baltimore pledged their allegiance to Democrats in City Hall and Washington, only to be betrayed, their community turned into a dumping ground for the political ruling class. Instead of addressing the blight and squalor in his congressional district, Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings
Mueller Has a Reputation… replies
Posted by earlybird 7/29/2019 10:56:48 AM Post Reply
It is apparently part of Robert Mueller’s contract with the media that he must always be described as “honorable” and a “lifelong Republican.” (After this week, we can add “dazed and confused” to his appellation.) If it matters that Mueller is a “lifelong Republican,” then I guess it matters that he hired a team of left-wing zealots. Of the 17 lawyers in Mueller’s office, 14 are registered Democrats.(Snip)As for Mueller being “honorable,” Steven Hatfill and the late Sen. Ted Stevens might beg to differ. After the 2001 anthrax attacks, the FBI, under Director Mueller’s close supervision, spent SEVEN YEARS pursuing Hatfill,
Santino William Legan: 5 Fast Facts
You Need to Know
Posted by earlybird 7/29/2019 10:36:38 AM Post Reply
Santino William Legan, 19, has been identified by CBS News as the suspect in the mass shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California. (Snip)Legan also shared his views that include fringe white supremacist book written in 1890. Called “…one of the most incendiary works ever to be published anywhere,” by a noted anarchist, Legan quoted from the book in a post accompanied by a Smokey the Bear sign about fire danger. He wrote: “Read Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard. Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white twats?”
Gilroy shooting: Gunman reportedly
identified as Santino William Legan
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 10:13:48 AM Post Reply
The crazed gunman who killed three people at California’s Gilroy Garlic Festival has been identified as 19-year-old Santino William Legan, according to a report Monday.The teen was identified by CBS News as police continue to hunt for a possible accomplice.Police recovered his backpack, along with a rifle and ammunition, the station tweeted, and officers have already searched his home as well as a second property.Legan was killed Sunday night after opening fire at the annual garlic festival, killing three, including 6-year-old Stephen Romero
The mysterious Mister Mifsud
and why no one wants to
discuss him
Posted by Garnet 7/29/2019 10:12:23 AM Post Reply
Joseph Mifsud: The name of the generally unknown character in the Russia investigation came up, over and over, in the long-awaited House committee hearings with former special counsel Robert Mueller. Republican Jim Jordan of Ohio invoked the name as if it legally required the accompaniment of horror movie theme music; Mueller immediately snapped back that he would not discuss that man. Yet that did not deter Republicans. “Joseph Mifsud,” “Joseph Mifsud” — the mantra continued until the shadowy professor had emerged as the Keyser Söze of the Mueller hearings.
Woke Racism replies
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 9:59:34 AM Post Reply
Well before Sigmund Freud formalized the idea of “projectionism”—the defense of one’s own shortcomings and sins by attributing them to others—it was a common theme in classical literature and the New Testament: the ridiculing of the mole on someone else’s nose to hide one’s own boil.The term projection more or less sums up much of the woke identity politics movement, in which obsessions with racial privilege and tribal exceptionalism are justified by accusing others of just such bias.While such racist projectionism can often be a psychological tic that assuages the guilt of one’s own rank prejudice, just as often accusing others of racism is a peremptory careerist move to
Gilroy Garlic Festival shooter said he
attacked ‘because I’m very angry’:
Posted by mc squared 7/29/2019 9:57:40 AM Post Reply
A member of a classic rock band was preparing for an encore at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California on Sunday when he said he heard shots ring out and the gunman say he was “very angry.” Jack van Breen, the singer for the band Tin Man, said he witnessed a man in a green shirt — and a grayish handkerchief around his neck — wield what looked like an assault rifle and open fire into an area where hundreds of people were gathered near food stands, The musicians dove under the stage and van Breen said he heard someone shout: “Why are you doing this?” The chilling reply:
Al Sharpton responds to Trump: I'm
happy to make trouble for racists
and people like you
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 9:52:19 AM Post Reply
The Rev. Al Sharpton confirmed President Trump’s assertion that he’s a troublemaker.Sharpton says he’s happy to keep making trouble for racists and “people like” Trump.Trump accused Sharpton of being racist against white people and a political swindler in an early-morning tweet Monday.“[Trump’s] going to attack the most visible black person that comes across his desk and he thinks can set a tone. I’m not going to bite the bait,” Sharpton said Monday on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.The president suggested Sharpton was nothing more than a race-baiting “troublemaker” and a “con man”
Illinois tied for nation's most lax lawmaker/lobbyist
revolving door laws: none
Posted by AltaD 7/29/2019 9:48:39 AM Post Reply
Illinois is one of the only states in the U.S. that has no rules against lawmakers leaving office on a Friday and returning Monday as a registered lobbyist. A new analysis of each state’s lobbying restrictions for lawmakers by consumer advocacy nonprofit Public Citizen shows Illinois – along with Idaho, Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oklahoma and Wyoming – are the most lax in their rules about lawmakers leaving office only to return as lobbyists. (Snip) Illinois has seen a number of high-profile lawmakers transition into a lobbying position in an industry they’ve had an active hand in writing laws for.
What the change at the office of the
Director of National Intelligence means
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 9:47:58 AM Post Reply
On July 28, 2019, word leaked out to Axios, and President Trump confirmed on Twitter that he will replace current director of national intelligence (DNI), Dan Coats, with Texas Republican Representative, John Ratcliffe, effective on August 15, 2019. During his two-year tenure, Coats several times appeared to be out of sync with the president, reflecting some broader disagreements between Trump and the government’s intelligence agencies. In January 2019, Trump exchanged some verbal blows with Coats and Gina Haspel, the CIA Director, after they testified about a threat-assessment report that called into question some of the president’s foreign policy judgments regarding Iran. “Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!”
Baltimore Rat Infestation Is So Bad
They Made A Documentary About It
2 Years Ago
Posted by earlybird 7/29/2019 9:26:52 AM Post Reply

The Baltimore rat problem President Donald Trump tweeted about Saturday is apparently so extensive that it was the subject of a documentary two years ago. (Snip) The Baltimore Sun’s editorial board published a scathing op-ed later in the day that simultaneously waved off the city’s rat problem while calling Trump a rat. “Better to have a few rats than to be one,” blared the headline.  But according to earlier reports from The Baltimore Sun, that rat problem is actually quite a bit more extensive than the editorial board implied. (Snip)In April of this year, the same editorial board published another op-ed

Sen. Rand Paul offers Rep. Ilhan Omar
a trip back to Somalia to
'appreciate America more'
Posted by M2 7/29/2019 8:59:09 AM Post Reply
Republican Sen. Rand Paul is offering to buy Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar a plane ticket to visit her home country of Somalia to learn to be more grateful for living in the United States. Omar is one of four congresswomen — known as "The Squad" — who President Donald Trump told to “go back" to their ancestors' countries instead of criticizing U.S. policies. A few days later, Trump held a campaign rally in North Carolina where the crowd chanted "send her back" when the president spoke of Omar, a Somalian refugee who came to the U.S. as a child. Trump condemned the chant when later asked by reporters
DCCC in 'complete chaos' as
uproar over diversity intensifies
Posted by NorthernDog 7/29/2019 8:57:30 AM Post Reply
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is in full-blown turmoil. Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairwoman Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.) was set to make an unplanned trip to Washington from her district Monday amid an outcry from top black and Latino lawmakers over a lack of diversity in the campaign arm's senior management ranks. (Snip) POLITICO reported last week that black and Hispanic lawmakers are furious with Bustos’ stewardship of the campaign arm. They say the upper echelon of the DCCC is bereft of diversity, and it is not doing enough to reach Latino voters and hire consultants of color. In addition, several
Trump makes Baltimore the symbol
of Democrats
Posted by earlybird 7/29/2019 8:55:13 AM Post Reply
Democrat Elijah Cummings enjoys a safe seat in Congress, so safe that the congressman thought he could front the clan that wants to impeach President Donald John Trump. In response, President Trump showed the nation how third world parts of Cummings' district in Baltimore is. Baltimore's last Republican mayor was Theodore McKeldin, whose term ended 52 years ago. His successor was Nancy Pelosi's brother, Thomas D'Alesandro III. The population was 939,024 and mainly white back then. Now the population is 602,495 and mainly black. In 2018, USA Today dubbed Baltimore the most dangerous city in America.
Proud of yourselves, lefties?
Leftists turn 'deplorable' beauty
queen into Trump magnet
Posted by Magnante 7/29/2019 8:37:11 AM Post Reply
Simply for liking President Trump, the left was going to make an example of that deplorable 20-year-old. They were going to make her pay. And for awhile there, they got away with it. Young Kathy Zhu, the newly crowned Miss Michigan, lost her title on account of her "offensive" tweets. (snip) Except that now in place of a mere beauty queen, the left has got a Frankenstein's monster on their hands. Zhu has been offered a prominent place on the Trump 2020 campaign. She's going to be out there, winning votes for Trump, padding his total further.
PBS Aired ‘Rat Film’ Documentary
About Baltimore’s Rodent Problem in 2018
Posted by M2 7/29/2019 8:26:49 AM Post Reply
More than a year before Donald Trump criticized Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) in a tweet on Saturday for ignoring his Baltimore district’s “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess,” PBS aired a documentary titled Rat Film about the city’s rodent problem. The Baltimore Sun reported on February 26, 2018, that the documentary “about Baltimore’s rodent fight” was scheduled “to air on PBS” that evening: Across walls, fences, and alleys rats not only expose our boundaries of separation but make homes in them. “Rat Film” is a feature-length documentary that uses the rat—as well as the humans that love them, live with them, and kill them–to explore the history of Baltimore.
This Lawsuit Over ‘Sex’ and ‘Gender
Identity’ Will Have Sweeping Implications
Posted by Judy W. 7/29/2019 8:19:52 AM Post Reply
“I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. I was just gasping for air.” That’s how Nancy Rost recalls the moments after her husband, Tom, walked through the door of their home six years ago this month. In his hand, Tom held a letter from a longtime employee. (Snip) Anthony Stephens, a biological male employee who had agreed to and followed the funeral home’s sex-specific dress code for more than six years, intended to show up to work—as well as to the homes of grieving families—dressed as a woman.
Democrats Melt Down over
Trump’s Criticism of Cummings:
‘Disgusting and Racist’
Posted by M2 7/29/2019 6:57:42 AM Post Reply

Democrats flicked the switch to hyperbolic outrage Sunday as they struggled to outdo each other in condemning President Trump for calling Rep. Elijah Cummings a “brutal bully” to border patrol officials and suggesting he should help fix the city of Baltimore. Trump added the congressman’s district should be investigated for all of the federal money invested there despite its being a “corrupt mess.” First off was Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT on CNN’s “State of the Union” who said:

Tlaib on Trump’s Cummings Attacks:
‘Our President Has a Hate Agenda’
Posted by M2 7/29/2019 6:55:00 AM Post Reply
unday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) reacted to President Donald Trump’s attacks on Rep Elijah Cummings (D-MD) and Baltimore. Tlaib said, “He continues to say things about American cities across this country. Look, our president has a hate agenda. He doesn’t have a policy agenda, and that is what he falls down on. Right now as people are in my district every single day I talk to folks losing jobs, not getting paid what they need, they’re working three or four jobs just to make ends meet. So many folks at the front line are really suffering. And they want somebody that is going to follow
12 Injured, at Least 3 Killed
at Garlic Festival Shooting
Posted by M2 7/29/2019 6:48:36 AM Post Reply
Reports of an active shooter at a garlic festival in gun-controlled California are being investigated, with reports of casualties but no precise numbers. Update: Gilroy City Councilmember Dion Bracco told ABC 7 that a suspect is in custody after the Garlic Festival shooting. He also noted that at least three people were killed and 12 were injured in the attack. NBC Bay Area reports that police responded to reports of an active shooter at the Gilroy, California, festival. They report that “Ambulance crews were told 11 people were down,” but other news outlets have not reported any injuries. Reuters quoted the NBC Bay Area report to say 11 were reported down,
Trump to nominate Rep. John
Ratcliffe to replace Dan Coats as
Director of National Intelligence
Posted by Magnante 7/29/2019 6:37:26 AM Post Reply
The appointment of a former US Attorney who is also a master of the details of the attempted plot to oust Trump signals that the “investigate the investigators” phase of the biggest political scandal in history is moving into high gear. (snip) With him calling the shots on the entire intelligence community, the stonewalling should be constrained if not stopped. Ratcliffe knows how the flip witnesses with threats of prosecution, and knows people in the Department of Justice who can carry out the threats of prosecution on lower-level people incriminated in the cabal’s plot to overturn an election and carry out a coup d’etat.
If Mueller Wasn’t in
Charge, Who Was?
Posted by Magnante 7/29/2019 5:59:17 AM Post Reply
Special Counsel Robert Mueller had a bad day last week. The build-up to his congressional testimony rivaled that of Geraldo Rivera opening Al Capone’s vault. Endless fanfare and hype, but both Mueller and the vault were empty, devoid of treasure, or any smoking gun. (snip) Who appointed Robert Mueller to be Special Counsel? Did they know at the time of appointment that Mueller was like the “of counsel” lawyer on the law firm letterhead, listed for appearances only, a rainmaker for the firm who does little other than wine and dine clients and tell stories of past glory days?
Trump’s Attack on Baltimore
Doesn’t Go Far Enough
Posted by PageTurner 7/29/2019 5:54:17 AM Post Reply
Say what you want about President Trump’s Twitter habits, he has a way of suddenly bringing an issue to the surface that people have long known about, but never wanted to confront. The only problem with his latest tweetstorm about Baltimore is that he hasn’t gone far enough. On Friday, Trump attacked Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings, who had been complaining about conditions at the border, by saying “his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous.” Trump called it “a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.” He’s right about the rats. Last year, the pest-control service Orkin rated Baltimore as one of the “rattiest cities,“
Why Trump Will Win Independents
in 2020
Posted by Garnet 7/29/2019 5:40:08 AM Post Reply
Like many World War II veterans, my father didn’t talk much about the war, but he occasionally retold one anecdote that clearly made a strong impression on him at the time. At the end of the war, when it became obvious that the Nazis had lost, thousands of German infantrymen suddenly began appearing at the American lines anxious to surrender. This was less about love for our GIs than fear of the Red Army. And it’s not a bad analogy for what Independents will do in 2020. They are ambivalent about President Trump and the GOP, but they are afraid of the Democrats.
Democrat Prospects Are Bleak
As The Wacky Pack Takes Over
Posted by MissMolly 7/29/2019 5:05:12 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump is the odds-on fave to win reelection, and the Republicans can take back the House and keep the Senate if they aren’t stupid and incompetent – meaning it’s far from a done deal. But the Democrats are in a terrible position. The just and satisfying utter humiliation of crusty establishment hack Bob Mueller left them without a lot of good options going forward, since not being leftist idiots is obviously off the table. What do they do now that the entire soft coup hoax is a heap of garbage smoldering in the dumpster of American politics? Do they stick with Putin paranoia?
Bernie's campaign union strife is
what he proposes for the whole country
Posted by MissMolly 7/29/2019 5:01:50 AM Post Reply
For many conservatives, the labor struggles of socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders are greatly amusing. The senator has never seen a favor to Big Labor that he didn’t support, yet his presidential campaign staff complain to the press about their working conditions. He also neglects to pay them the mythical $15 an hour minimum wage he promotes on Capitol Hill and in his stump speeches. More incongruous was the senator’s response. He told the press, “It does bother me that people [i.e., union members and officials] are going outside of the process and going to the media. … That is really not acceptable. It is really not what labor negotiations are about,
'Storm Area 51' turnout
overwhelms Nevada town
Posted by MissMolly 7/29/2019 4:57:37 AM Post Reply
LAS VEGAS — At first, the co-owner of the quirky alien-themed motel down a Nevada highway from the mysterious Area 51 site didn’t take a posting for a prank Facebook event too seriously. Then, her phone started ringing. “It doesn’t stop, our phone won’t stop ringing,” Connie West, of the Little A’le’Inn, told the Las Vegas Sun. The 10-room motel is one of few businesses in Rachel, a town of 54 residents now gaining celebrity status among aviation and UFO enthusiasts attracted by the posting about a Sept. 20 event dubbed “storm Area 51.” More than 1 million people have responded to the internet post calling for people to “Naruto run” at 3 a.m.
Special Prosecutors, Then and Now replies
Posted by StormCnter 7/29/2019 4:51:31 AM Post Reply
Shock and dismay is being expressed this week, in the aftermath of Robert Mueller’s stumbling and hesitant testimony before two committees of the House of Representatives. Is it possible that this paragon of virtue from the past was but a figurehead, who ceded operational authority and responsibility for preparing “his” report to a specially recruited staff, consisting primarily of politically active Democrats but no Republicans? The answer is not only obvious, but also follows precisely the same pattern set in the Watergate investigations of some 45 years ago — where there are amazing and unsettling parallels. There, the original special prosecutor, Archibald Cox, was a distinguished Harvard law professor,
The Democrats, Not
Trump, Are the Racists
Posted by Pluperfect 7/29/2019 4:44:22 AM Post Reply
It doesn't take Nostradamus, or even a Coney Island fortune teller, to predict the coming Democratic presidential debates will be filled to overflowing with accusations of racism toward Donald Trump. Not only that, the candidates will certainly be doing their bests, directly or by innuendo, to tarnish each other with the same ugly brush in an almost always fallacious manner. But when it comes to the real, down-home, George-Wallace-Segregation-Now-Segregation-Forever racial bigotry, it will be Donald Trump by a landslide. To them, POTUS is the big, bad, racist wolf. This is, will be, and has been from the beginning
Buttigieg momentum
slows after swift rise
Posted by Pluperfect 7/29/2019 4:42:17 AM Post Reply
After a meteoric rise in the 2020 race, signs are emerging that Pete Buttigieg’s momentum may be stalling out. The South Bend, Ind., mayor’s polling numbers have remained relatively flat in recent weeks, hovering between 4 and 7 percent in most surveys. And he has started facing tougher questions during public appearances, including about his struggle to build a following among black voters and his handling of a police-involved shooting in his hometown. To be sure, Buttigieg still finds himself in a strong position. He closed out the second quarter of the year with a nearly $25 million fundraising haul — the most of any candidate —
Representative John Ratcliffe
Responds to ODNI Nomination…
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 4:37:14 AM Post Reply
Representative John Ratcliffe tweets a statement after President Trump announces his nomination for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI):(Tweets) There has been some speculation that ODNI Dan Coats needed to step aside because he was refusing to comply with the declassification process. It’s worth waiting to see if that assumption is accurate, or if the speculation is unfounded. However, there is validity to the speculation based on the structure of how executive declassification is done.
How Mueller’s Lawyers Spun
the OLC Guidance on
Indicting a Sitting President
Posted by Pluperfect 7/29/2019 4:36:27 AM Post Reply
T his is Part Two of a two-part series. In Part One, we took a look at the OLC guidance that bars the indictment of a sitting president. (The OLC is the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel.) In particular, we looked at (a) how, in investigating President Trump for purported obstruction, special counsel Robert Mueller’s staff distorted the guidance into a prohibition against even considering whether an offense occurred; and (b) the futile hope of congressional Democrats, during Wednesday’s hearings, that Mueller would contradict his final report on this point. In Part Two, we explore why Mueller’s staff of very able lawyers, many of them
A failure to assimilate replies
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 4:31:16 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump is going after black racism head-on. After Elijah Cummings (D-MD) attacked Trump over comments about the Squad, Trump fired back with tweets about Baltimore being a rodent-infested mess that its Congressman, Cummings himself, should invest his time on improving rather than poking his nose into other people's business around the country. Of course, the Leftiverse lost its mind and now shouts of racism fill the airwaves. That nothing Trump said touched on race in any way is irrelevant. He trampled all over the Sacredness of Anything Black and must pay the penalty.At long last we have someone in a position of power who isn’t afraid
Dems refuse to help fix border crisis
because bashing Trump is more fun
Posted by MissMolly 7/29/2019 4:28:02 AM Post Reply
Now that Democrats have stopped calling the untenable situation at America’s southern border a “manufactured crisis” and recognized it as a “humanitarian crisis,” perhaps a bipartisan solution can be found to at least one aspect of the problem: the continuing flow of unaccompanied children across the border. But we shouldn’t hold our breath. The left — activists, the media and Dem politicians — are more interested in badgering the Trump administration than solving the crisis.
Arkansas mom buys all shoes in closing
Payless store to donate to kids in need
Posted by MissMolly 7/29/2019 4:21:36 AM Post Reply
An Arkansas mother bought all of the shoes from a closing Payless ShoeSource store to give to children in need before the school year begins. Carrie Jernigan, a mother of three, told Fox News she bought nearly 1,500 pairs of shoes. She did not disclose how much she paid but told Fox News her receipts indicated she saved about $21,000, although she paid just a fraction of that number. "I'm in the schools a lot and where I live we have a very high poverty rate," Jernigan, the president of the Alma School Board, told Fox News. Alma is between Fayetteville and Fort Smith. "My immediate thought was,
4 dead, including gunman, in shooting
at Gilroy Garlic Festival, 15 injured
Posted by MissMolly 7/29/2019 4:16:43 AM Post Reply
At least one gunman opened fire Sunday at Northern California’s Gilroy Garlic Festival, killing at least three and injuring 15, before being fatally shot by police stationed nearby who responded in less than a minute after the initial shot was fired, a police official said. The shooting rampage began at 5:41 p.m. on the north side of the festival, Chief of Police Scot Smithee said at a press conference late Sunday. Smithee said the gunman gained access to the festival by cutting through a fence near a creek area. He said some witnesses reported a second suspect, but police could not immediately confirm those reports.
Trump administration submits proposal
to end food stamps ‘loophole’
Posted by Imright 7/29/2019 3:24:52 AM Post Reply
Residents signing up for food stamps in Minnesota are provided a brochure about domestic violence, but it doesn’t matter if they even read the pamphlet. The mere fact it was made available could allow them to qualify for government food aid if their earnings or savings exceed federal limits.As odd as that might sound, it’s not actually unusual.Thirty-eight other states also have gotten around federal income or asset limits for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program by using federal welfare grants to produce materials informing food stamp applicants about other available social services.
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