How the GOP Will Retake
the House in 2020
American Spectator,
David Catron
Original Article
Posted By: Garnet,
6/20/2019 5:39:48 AM
The Democrats, despite their exaggerated claims about the fabled “blue wave” of 2018, have a very tenuous grasp on the House majority. The Republicans need to flip only 18 seats in 2020 to regain control of that body — and the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has already identified nearly twice that number of vulnerable Democrats in districts won by President Trump during the last presidential election. Moreover, the NRCC will certainly exploit the all too accurate public perception that House Democrats have veered sharply to the left and accomplished virtually nothing beyond investigating President Trump and obstructing his agenda.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
nina584 6/20/2019 6:07:22 AM (No. 102071)
If they don’t fight ballot harvesting they won’t.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 6/20/2019 7:01:17 AM (No. 102083)
If the GOP House and Senate members would come out and support PDJT, 2020 will be a cake walk.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
bpl40 6/20/2019 7:29:13 AM (No. 102102)
Benedict Ryan not being around will be a great help. Also fresh blood replacing the tired old RINOs with no fight left in them will make a difference. The biggest fear is the Republican talent of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. If anyone can lose, they will lose!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
RTC60 6/20/2019 7:39:24 AM (No. 102107)
But Gavin Newsom, Boy Wonder, has announced that Republicans are headed "into the waste bin of history." Word of a prophet...
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
NorthernDog 6/20/2019 7:48:55 AM (No. 102115)
Losing the House after 1 term would send Queen Nancy into permanent retirement. Can't wait to see her ride off into the sunset.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Ratslayer 6/20/2019 7:51:14 AM (No. 102119)
#1 has it. Sanctuary states give non citizens the right to vote. Rats flipped 8 seats in Ca 2018. GOP to lose even more in 2020.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
h24015 6/20/2019 8:12:35 AM (No. 102127)
Yes #1, nothing else matters if voting integrity is not insured. Recently it was revealed in a court case that the largest county in the US had 141% of its voting age population registered to vote. The remedy of the trial was to remove all of the names of those who had died, moved, were illegal to vote, etc (yeah, like that's really going to happen). No way Republicans can win against this type of voter fraud.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 6/20/2019 8:58:00 AM (No. 102166)
It has to set by the federal government that those 14 or so states that acknowledge 'popular voting' in favor of the Electoral College in a national election will be 'null and void' and not counted. If they want to run state affairs in that manner then so be it. I live in one of those blue states that sides with the popular vote and my vote would be null and void in the next presidential election and possible forever in all elections with that stupid thinking.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 6/20/2019 8:59:30 AM (No. 102167)
Per poster #3 - - the Pubbies have an uncanny ability to figure out ways to lose which none of us could ever imagine.
It's a God-given gift - - a unique genius - - which mere mortals like us can barely fathom.
What a great time to be alive!
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
starboard 6/20/2019 9:03:14 AM (No. 102170)
Republicans can turn California around. First by becoming proactive with the new residents of their state. Court them. Promote jobs in their area and living the American dream. Get creative with new ideas. Engage them! The saying that all politics is local is so true. Tell these new Californians the Democrats will hold you down and keep you subjugated. Republicans will lift you up with jobs and opportunities to grow.
Republicans need get loud and learn how to push their message. Isn't that what President Trump does. He brands his opponent before the opponent has a chance to brand him and puts them immediately on defense. He takes control first. Remember low energy Jeb. That's how he won the primary in 2016.
There's a lot at stake in California, the once crowned jewel of the country. It will take leadership, organization and hard work. It's doable.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
john56 6/20/2019 9:14:44 AM (No. 102179)
Count on the establishment Republicans to screw up a sure thing.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Lucky5 6/20/2019 9:35:17 AM (No. 102193)
I will never forget James Carville, so full of himself he even wrote this book in 2011, "40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation".
Funny how the left wing never mentions what a failure and how totally wrong he was on that debacle of a book.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 6/20/2019 10:35:52 AM (No. 102253)
#1, GOP can also harvest votes, and remind people that once they vote, they won't be eligible for citizenship, and they will be likely receiving a jury notice in the future.
We also need to push for fingerprint identification for voting. After all, the Real ID is going to be the law of the land as early as Oct 1 2020, and it requires a fingerprint scan as part of the ID.
Have this system cross-checked with every state, immigration, prisons, social security(for deaths), etc... and I'm guessing a lot of "votes" suddenly vanish.
#10, in CA, the GOP needs to work hard in about 6-8 districts where vote harvesting was most prevalent and work hard at turning those back into the GOP column. And, if vote harvesting is part of the process, the GOP needs to do likewise. Not illegally, but gather ballots from people who may not be getting to the polling location. And, ask people if they felt their vote mattered by popular vote total, would you then vote since it WOULD matter now? How many don't vote in deep blue states out of feeling it "just doesn't matter in my state"?
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
HotRod 6/20/2019 10:49:17 AM (No. 102268)
I think it's a good idea for Republicans to use ballot harvesting as a means of identifying illegal immigrants, and where they are located. Either represent themselves as Republicans, or pose as democrats if that is better. Let it be known that ICE will be knocking on their doors, even in sanctuary locations!
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Arby 6/20/2019 10:49:54 AM (No. 102269)
If the president does well the House candidates will do well. Let's see the thunder roll down the ballot. KAGA.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
SueDotSue 6/20/2019 11:55:53 AM (No. 102360)
The GOP has proven it prefers democrats to be the majority. In 2018, 38 House races had no Republican candidate on the ballot. Only 3 races lacked a Dem. candidate. The Democrat Party, now being the War/CIA/Intel party, had many warmonger candidates in 2018, and a few won contests where no GOP was on the ballot. Until 1994, Democrats controlled the House for 40 straight years. GOP clearly prefers to be the minority. As to California, the GOP Establishment has worked hard to kill the party there. In 2013 with Calif. GOP effectively bankrupt, GOP E brought in crony Jim Brulte to head Calif. GOP. Brulte of course has recently worked on the committee promoting National Popular Vote.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
MDConservative 6/20/2019 2:38:33 PM (No. 102492)
The Uniparty GOPe threw away the House in '18 in order to Dump Trump without getting their hands dirty. The idea was that the Russia collusion hoax would bear out somehow, and that at least there would be obstruction and "abuse of power" charges to bring for impeachment. That blew up in their faces, but the Uniparty still has hopes they can derail PDT's re-election. One can see the daily headlines to keep every controversy alive, threats, hearings, name it. That's to feed the mill enough grist to allow the Big Show to play after Labor Day.
In the meantime, the GOPe has no need to lose the '20 House elections even if Trump wins. They may make the effort to win they failed to make in '18. Watch the money...will it flow from the big contributors into the House campaigns? If it does, the Dems are eating dust come November.
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