Can the Mueller Report Cure the Media of TDS?
American Spectator,
David Catron
Original Article
Posted By: Garnet,
3/28/2019 6:40:44 AM
When Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller finally finished his investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, his findings were utterly predictable — the Russians had interfered as always, a few of Donald Trump’s former associates had committed unrelated offenses, and there was no evidence indicating that the President had colluded with any foreign power to rob Hillary Clinton of victory. For most Americans, it was good that we don’t have a Manchurian candidate living in the White House. For TDS victims in the media, however, it was a calamity. Commentators stormed, sobbed, and insisted that Trump hadn’t been exonerated.
I believe this story should read we NO LONGER have a Manchurian candidate living in the White House, for surely the man who handed over a billion and a half dollars to the greatest terrorist nation on the planet and signed a deal that gave them the right to build Nuclear weapons was a Manchurian candidate. Obama was the first President that actually hated this country and said so, his wife proudly declared that until he was elected she never felt pride for this nation´s accomplishments, as a matter of fact ,neither one of them ever acknowledged that there were ever any accomplishments. That President went from nation to nation apologizing for us and America and all she has done. The national nightmare is over alright but it actually ended in January of 2017 when President Trump was elected.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 3/28/2019 7:36:36 AM (No. 15462)
No, it can´t.
The media has become a cult of ego, partly because of it´s tight association with Hollyweird, it´s inflated salaries, and it´s focus on it´s own self importance. Add in the media´s own, oh-so-important special role in the Constitution of being left alone by government and they think THEY are in charge.
What they don´t realize is that their role in our Republic is that of a servant; they are messengers. Imagine if the Post Office decided that they should choose what mail you should get and destroyed some of it? Suppose they open your mail and redact information they disagreed with? Suppose they add in messages that push their personal view?
There are strict laws about interfering with the Post Office delivering your messages. The unimpeded delivery of OTHER PEOPLE´S COMMUNICATION is the point. Add into that the notification of events and you have the media. Their DELIVERY is to be unimpeded.
But we have every right to reject their service if we feel they are tinkering with messages to us or inserting their own selections of events, like an unappreciated music playlist.
The media´s TDS is because Trump has pointed out that the media IS tinkering with the messages, they are inserting their own playlists, and Trump suggests that maybe we don´t need such a lousy and unreliable messaging service.
Meanwhile, we can seek out reliable messengers and chroniclers of events. The choices today are vast.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
MainelySane 3/28/2019 7:54:48 AM (No. 15456)
As well as "watching the news" or listening to anyone opine about politics on broadcast media, I gave a long time ago. I can´t read David French anymore. I gave up on Bill Kristol and Jonah Goldberg too. They bought into the "soft coupe".
Already, half of America dosen´t believe "journalists" anymore. Who can know the truth when the truthtellers compromise the truth for profit. That´s where we are today. Journalism is mostly about money.
Please, give me the heady days of Frank Blair reading the news on the Today Show 60 years ago.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
ledbythnose 3/28/2019 8:28:37 AM (No. 15461)
We have an Agency in this conflicted Mess we call Government called the FCC.It´s primary job is to oversee Media and all things related to communications in this Nation. This Agency has strict rules regarding behavior and Journalistic ethics. I am at a total loss to understand why there have been no citations or investigations by them. In spite of numerous violations by various Media outlets that are very well documented. Perhaps the President would be well served to direct the leadership of this Agency to actually do their jobs. I know this is a stretch to expect of all things that a Government Agency to be forced to do what it was intended to. But hey a Fella can dream. Can´t he? I think this statement by George Gobell best describes our plight. Did you ever get the feeling that the whole World was a Tuxedo....and you were a pair of brown Shoes?
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Marjbaldwin 3/28/2019 8:52:57 AM (No. 15448)
We should not accept the premise that Enemedia agents were awaiting the results of the Mueller report. That premise is ludicrous on its face, given what we know: the Enemedia, from the very beginning, colluded with Obama´s FBI and DOJ to frame Donald Trump with intentionally false accusations, upon which the sham "investigation" was, with utter disregard for the Constitution, based. Enemedia agents feigning surprise or "weeping" for the cameras now are only trying to perpetrate the charade of them not being part of the criminal plot. Of course they´ve known there was no Russian collusion, because they themselves helped set it all up for The Coup! Deplorables have a right to feel much more than mere contempt for these worms and rats.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
FunOne 3/28/2019 9:17:04 AM (No. 15459)
How can they change? They have created their own base of hard left audience, and if they fail to pursue that anti-Trump theme, they will lose the small audience they have. Certainly the Fox audience is not going to switch to CNN or MSNBC.
They are a bus going in the wrong direction, but they are getting there at a fast pace.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
gone2pot 3/28/2019 9:55:47 AM (No. 15453)
The guy installing my fence here at the I´m Drawing Muhammad Ranch was life long Democrat, full blooded, voted for The Holy Hawaiian twice. He´s the staunchest Trump supporter now and said Trump was the best president in his lifetime. Why? Cheering of NY state assembly after they passed the infanticide bill, Carter Page and General Flynn´s lives destroyed by Mueller, AND during the eight years of Obama, he was lucky to install a fence per week. Now he´s trying to keep up with the demand (and refuses to skimp on quality) of over seven per week since the summer of 2017.
It was basically and finally breaking the code that the media was openly lying to him. He recently switched to Fox News. Surprised the hell out of me. So, I hope the media does what it always does along with the Marxists and doubles down on TDS.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Varjo 3/28/2019 10:33:40 AM (No. 15449)
Can the Mueller Report Cure the Media of TDS?
No, it will not.
I am afraid that the media´s Trump Derangement Syndrome is terminal.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 3/28/2019 10:43:22 AM (No. 15454)
No. The msm does not consider its survival or lack thereof before deciding what to report or ignore. The msm believes it can spoon feed us with what it wants us to see and hear. Its keepers decide what we will be told and what to think. It´s all about political control.
The Mueller report will quietly slip under the waves like every other msm reporting debacle has. However....the President will have the last word this time. Don´t think for a minute he will forget what the msm and the left did to him, his family, and his team.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/28/2019 11:50:53 AM (No. 15455)
The media was infected with TDS long before Mueller rode into town. Trump destroyed their fantasy of a second Communist Camelot under Hillary and looked forward to propping her up for at least four years while barry and valjar ran the kenyan version of government from White House II. TDS is fatal and they are already gasping for air as the country thrives. Just wait until the Wall begins to stem the flow of illegal immigrants and crime statistics begin to drop drastically. (Well, everywhere except Chicago)
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
HotRod 3/28/2019 12:01:29 PM (No. 15460)
Modern-day journalists did not get into the media business to report the boring news. They are activists. They have a different goal as a journalists. Its all a game to them, to see how many ´´gotchas´´ they can get, how many politicians they can insult, and how much attention they can get for themselves.
The MSM has lost at least half of America, and probably more. Lots of democrats understand what they have done, but didn´t care, and know that they cannot trust the media for truth.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
NotaBene 3/28/2019 12:04:46 PM (No. 15447)
The National Review has also been lying about our President Trump for years, and the Weekly Standard had to close down. The Internet is controlled by Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter that maliciously hide any non-Globalist information. CNN is just the tip of the iceberg.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
NotaBene 3/28/2019 12:19:44 PM (No. 15451)
They even gave themselves the Pulitzer Prize!
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Smart11344 3/28/2019 2:26:01 PM (No. 15452)
There is no cure for TDS. Even if they win the next Presidential election they will still caterwaul.
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